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OrthodoxWiki:Style Manual

886 bytes added, 17:37, January 10, 2005
/Moved Basil's Capitalization entry from UserTalk
A potential problem with this naming style is that a bishop may be transferred to another see, thus requiring the moving of the article to incorporate the new name. This wouldn't happen often, however, and having the move will be helpful if searchers are looking for the bishop under his old title.
== OrthodoxWiki Capitalization Style ==
The following items should be capitalized in OrthodoxWiki articles:
* God and Trinity
* Church (when referencing the Church catholic; not when used as a generic reference for a local church)
* titles: Lord, Lady, Theotokos, Christ and titles with names, for example: Saint John, Apostle Peter, Bishop Basil, etc., but not saint, apostle, bishop, etc., as regular nouns
* proper names: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Jesus, James, John, etc.
* Feast days: Pascha, Annunciation, Theophany, Transfiguration, etc. (however, within texts for a particular feast, it is not the title which is being referenced, but the event, so capitalization is unnecessary: "Your birth..." or "Thy nativity...," not "Your Birth..." or "Thy Nativity...")
* O (as in "O Lord," or "O Lady Theotokos,")
Other terms (including personal pronouns for God) leave uncapitalized.
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