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Timeline of Saints

185 bytes added, 07:01, August 31, 2011
310-379 (11th) Persecution of Christians under Persian King Shapur II
*391 [[Gregory the Theologian]], ABp. of Constantinople, reposed peacefully [[January 25]].
*397 **[[Ambrose of Milan|Ambrose]], Bp. of Milan d. [[April 4]] (fd:[[December 7]]);[[Martin of Tours|Martin]], Bp. of Tours, d. [[November 11]] at Candes.
*398 ''c,'' Martyrdom of 10,000 Fathers of the Scetis by Patriarch [[Theophilus of Alexandria]].
** [[John Chrysostom]] appointed Patr. of Constantinople and friendship with Olympias begins.
*400 The deposition of the sash of the Holy Theotokos in Constantinople, [[August 31]].
** [[John Chrysostom]] encourages emperor and people to resist Gainas and his Gothic troops.
====Unknown dates====

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