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Demetrius of Rostov

2 bytes removed, 09:43, September 29, 2006
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[[Image:StDimitriOfRostov.jpg|thumb|100px|right|Icon of St. Dimitri of Rostov]] Our Father Among the Saints [[Saint]]s '''Dimitri of Rostov''' (also Dmitri, Dimitry or Demetrius) was a great 17th century hierarch, preacher, author and ascetic. He was born near Kiev in the year 1651, and reposed in the year 1709. Among his many glorious works of instruction, he was known especially for his translation and publication of ''The Lives of the Saints''. He foresaw his own death three days in advance, and died while at [[prayer]]. Dimitri was a great light of the [[Church of Russia|Russian Church]] and of [[Orthodoxy]] in general. He had heavenly visions during his life. He served the Lord zealously and took up his habitation in the Kingdom of Heaven.
[[Saint]] St. Dimitri's life is celebrated on [[October 28]], but on [[September 21]] the Church commemorates the finding of his [[miracle]]-working [[relics]] in 1752.

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