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Western Rite

50 bytes added, 16:06, February 21, 2005
By far the largest group of these parishes in North America is represented by the [[Western Rite Vicariate]] of the [[Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America]]. The [[Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia]] (ROCOR) also has a small number of Western Rite parishes in addition to at least two monasteries, one monastery located in New Zealand and located in Rhode Island which follows Benedictine liturgical traditions.
The [[abbot]] who led this latter monastery, named [[Christminster (Providence, Rhode Island)|Christminster]] (or Christ the Savior Monastery), into communion with ROCOR once remarked to St. [[John Maximovitch]] that it was difficult to promote Western Rite Orthodoxy, whereupon the saint replied: "Never, never, never let anyone tell you that, in order to be Orthodox, you must also be eastern. The West was Orthodox for a thousand years, and her venerable liturgy is far older than any of her heresies."[]
The [[Orthodox Church of France]]—which is currently of ambiguous status with regard to world Orthodoxy, but at one time was cared for by St. [[John Maximovitch]] and later by the [[Church of Romania]]—also uses a Western Rite liturgy based on ancient Gallican liturgical materials.
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