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Holy Trinity

662 bytes added, January 5
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==Image & Likeness Distinguished==
It should be noted that while each human being is in the ''image'' of God, humans were also created to be in His ''likeness''. St. Ephrem the Syrian often writes of mankind initially being "robed in glory," referring to bearing the ''likeness'' of God.<ref>St. Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns On Paradise, St. Vladimir Seminary Press, Crestwood, NY (1997).</ref> This, however, is where ''the fall Fall'' is evident; for, ''His likeness'' refers to ''His goodness.''In other words, and to be like HimGod, a person would need needs to be ''good '' as well. Obviously , all have having sinned and , we fall from this aim. As such, St. Ephrem points out, when Adam and Eve looked to themselves to determine right and wrong (daring to become as God without God<ref>Clark Carlton, The Life, Regina Orthodox Press, Salisbury, MA (2000), p. 22.</ref> choosing their own leadership rather than God's by not waiting to know all things through and with Him) they became naked--no longer "robed in glory"--and, in God's mercy, departed Eden.
==The Trinity Explained in the Creed==

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