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Hilarion (Rudnyk) of Edmonton

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On [[October 21]], 2008, Bishop Hilarion was elected the Bishop of Edmonton by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the request of Metropolitan [[John (Stinka) of Winnipeg|John (Stinka)]] of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (UOCC). He was enthroned as Bishop of Edmonton and Western Canada on [[October 26]], 2008, at the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of St. John in Edmonton, Canada.
Following the retirement of Metropolitan [[Yurij (Kalistchuk) of Winnipeg]] on [[July 10]], 2021, Bishop Hilarion became [[locum tenens]] of the cathedra of the Winnipeg [[Metropolia]] of the UOCC until a "sobor" or general council of the UOCC could be held to elect a new [[primate|first hierarch|primate]] to replace Metropolitan Yurij.
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