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[[File:Great Commission.jpg|smallpx|thumb|right|Christ commands His apostles to spread the Gospel to all the nations]]
A '''missionary''' is one who is sent by the Church to preach the [[Gospel]] of Christ to a non-Christian people group. The word "missionary" is the Latin equivalent of the Greek word, "[[apostle]]," both meaning “send,” since Christ ''sent out'' his disciples to preach the Gospel ([ Matthew 10:5]), first to the Jews, then to all the nations.
A '''missionary''' is one who is sent by the Church to preach the [[Gospel]] of Christ to a non-Christian people group. The word "missionary" is the Latin equivalent of the Greek word, "[[apostle]]," both meaning “send,” since Christ ''sent out'' his disciples to preach the Gospel ([ Matthew 10:5]), first to the Jews, then to all the nations.
==Theological Foundations==
[[Image:Rublev Trinity.jpg|left|thumb|399 × 500 pixels|Rublev's Icon of the Trinity]]
In Orthodox theology, the missionary vocation of the Orthodox Church originates from the Trinitarian relations of the Godhead, in that the Father sent the Son into the world for the salvation of mankind (cf. [ Psalm 57:3], [ John 4:34], [ John 6:44], [ John 6:57], [ John 12:49], [ John 17:18], [ Galatians 4:4-5], [ Hebrews 3:1]). The Holy Spirit is was likewise sent into the world to sanctify it (cf. [ Psalm 104:30], [ Luke 24:49], [ John 14:26], [ John 15:26], [ John 16:7], [ Galatians 4:6]).In the words of Father [[Patrick Henry Reardon]], "We know [God] because he has revealed himself by sending forth his Son and Holy Spirit." {{ref|1}}
Christ passed His mission on to the Apostles when He commanded them to share the Good News of salvation with all peoples: “This [[Gospel]] of the Kingdom shall be preached throughout the whole world as a witness to all nations; and then the end of the world shall come” (Matthew 24:14). The Lord’s final commandment before ascending to the Father is known as the Great Commission and is recorded in all four [[Gospel]] accounts:
::* “ ‘Go “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
::* “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the [[Gospel]] to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.’ ” (Mark 16:15-16)
::* "So Jesus said to them again, 'Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.' And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.' " (John 20:21-23)
Saint Luke also recounts the Great Commission in the [[Acts of the Apostles]], and like St John the Theologian, connects it to the sending forth of the Holy Spirit: “ ‘But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.’ ” (Acts 1:8)
The missionary calling of the Orthodox Church finds its fulfillment in the beautiful eschatological vision of Saint [[John the Theologian]]: “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!’ ” (Revelation 7:9-10) The Orthodox Church has consistently upheld this vision of the worship of God in every language. Historically, Orthodox missiology has been characterized by its incarnational approach of learning the culture of the audience, translating the Scriptures and liturgical texts into the language of the people, training native clergy, imparting the full Orthodox theological heritage of doctrines and patristic wisdom; and ultimately establishing a regional, self-ruled hierarchy.
The Orthodox Church has a rich and vibrant missionary tradition. Beginning with the Apostles, the Church sent out missionaries to spread the Christian faith to all peoples. The Church at [[Antioch]] sent the [[Apostle Paul]] and [[Apostle Barnabas]] on their first missionary journey to Asia Minor and Greece. The Apostle Paul completed three such journeys, each time extending further out and founding new churches. In addition to the missionary work of the Apostles (and later of bishops, priests, and monks), [[evangelization]] took place in a variety of other ways (through trade relations, personal friendships, [[philanthropic]] institutions and acts of [[charity]], the inspirational witness of the Church as a role model community, etc.). In other words, laypeople played a highly significant role at the local level of [[evangelization]].
Christian communities arose in major urban centers first, before spreading to rural areas through monasticism from 270 onward (first in Egypt and Syria, then elsewhere). The faith spread rapidly, helped by a number of external factors. First, Roman infrastructure greatly aided the speed of travel. Second, the conquests of Alexander the Great and his Hellenization campaign had made the Greek tongue a universal language throughout the Roman Empire, extending even into the Far East. Third, due to the Jewish Diaspora, there were synagogues strewn far and wide throughout the Mediterranean basin and penetrating into Asia and Africa. [[Image:Patrick of Ireland.jpg|right|frame|St. [[Patrick of Ireland]] ]] These pious monotheistic communities provided inroads for the [[Gospel]] to be preached, rendering many contexts compatible contexts for the new faith to be embraced.
The Christian faith took root in all corners of the Roman Empire, including Spain, France (Saints [[Irenaeus of Lyons]] and [[Martin of Tours]]), Britain (Saints [[Augustine of Canterbury]] and [[Aidan of Lindisfarne]]), and North Africa. The [[Apostle Mark]] had founded the Church in Egypt in the 1st century. In the 4th century, Saint [[Frumentius of Axum]] preached the [[Gospel]] to the Ethiopian royalty at Axum, and was later consecrated the first Bishop of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church by Saint [[Athanasius of Alexandria]].
In 1973, his friend Archimandrite Chariton (Pneumatikakis) took over his role in Kananga, Congo. Father Chariton’s enduring missionary legacy can be summed up in his last words, “Ring the bells of Orthodoxy in every corner of Africa.”
Another great Greek Orthodox missionary was Father [[Cosmas (Aslanidis) of Grigoriou]]. At a young age, he began a correspondence with Fr Chrysostomos. He traveled to Congo (then called Zaire), where the fire of missionary fervor blazed forth in his heart. Under the guidance of [[Amphilochios (Tsoukos) ]] (in Congo at the time; now in New Zealand), he built an astonishing 10 churches in 14 months. He was advised to receive his monastic tonsure on Mount Athos before returning to the mission field. At his tonsuring, he was named Cosmas in honor of the great Saint [[Cosmas of Aetolia]] (+1779), also an Athonite missionary. Renewed in his love for God and in spiritual strength, Father Cosmas returned to Zaire.
First Father Cosmas went to Kananga, to assist Father Chariton and Sister Olga. Then, receiving the blessing of Metropolitan Timothy of Central Africa, he journeyed to Kolwezi. There he began to build many churches. Over the course of his missionary labors, he baptized 15,000 Africans, catechized, preached, provided the sacraments of the Church, abd organized a large agricultural complex that would provide food and jobs for many, including lepers and prisoners. Having learned Swahili and Afrikaans, he faithfully passed on to the Africans the Orthodox Tradition as he had learned it in Greece and on Mount Athos – most especially the Jesus Prayer – for the salvation and transformation of the people and their deliverance from demonic magic.
The current Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa, [[Theodoros II (Choreftakis) of Alexandria]], is renowned for his missionary zeal. In 1997, he served as the Metropolitan of Cameroon, which he greatly expanded through the building of churches, hospitals, and schools. In 2002, Metropolitan Theodoros was called upon to serve the holy Metropolis of Zimbabwe. There, he founded four missionary centers, nursery schools, technical schools, and two additional mission centers in Malawi. He was also active in forming Orthodox communities in Botswana and Angola. Following the sudden death of Petros VII, the Patriarch of Alexandria at the time, Theodoros was unanimously elected to the Throne on October 9, 2004.
Mention should also be made here of the great and ever memorable Orthodox missionaries to Africa, Father Athanasios Anthidis (who served in Congo, as well as India), Metropolitan [[Ignatios Mandelidis (Madenlides) of Pentapolis|Ignatios (Madenlides) of Pentapolis]], Metropolitan Timothy (Kontomeros), Bishop Nektarios (Kellis) of Madagascar, as well as the current Metropolitan Nikiforos (Mikragiannanitis) of Kinshasa, Metropolitan Theodosius of Kananga, and Bishop Ignatios (Sennis) of Madagascar (who also served as a missionary to Korea).
The [[Orthodox Missionary Fraternity]] of Greece reports missionary work in many other African nations at this time, including: Rwanda, South Africa, Malawi, Nigeria, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Benin, Burundi, Guinea, Sudan, Mauritius, Zambia, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.
===Other Recent Orthodox Mission Work===
Since the fall of Communism, the Russian Orthodox Church has also been very active in sending missionaries around the world, often alongside Greek missionaries. Orthodox churches under the direction of Russia the Russian Patriarchate or of the Ecumenical Patriarchate have been founded in the following countries in Asia: South Korea (where there is a native clergy), the Philippines, China, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Indonesia (Father [[Daniel (Byantoro)]]), Pakistan (Father Joseph Farooq), India, Thailand, Singapore. The Orthodox Church is also is actively growing in Central and South America, especially in Cuba, Mexico, Haiti, and Guatemala. The case of Guatemala is particularly noteworthy: 200,000 Guatemalan “Indians” indigenous natives mass converted to the Orthodox faith under the spiritual guidance of the charismatic social justice figure, Father Andres Giron. There is currently an Orthodox orphanage in Guatemala City ([[Hogar Rafael Ayau]]) run by the [[Monastery of the Holy Trinity (Guatemala)]], as well as a medical clinic in Aguacate. The Greek Orthodox Bishop of Australia, [[Amphilochios (Tsoukos)]], who previously served in the Congo, has established churches in Oceania, including New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa.
==Orthodox Missionary Saints==
* [[Gurias (Karpov) of Simferopol]] (China)
* [[ Herman of Alaska]]
* [[Juvenal of Alaska]] (see also [ the OCA life of St Juvenal])
:that all may know Thy love. . . O Lord, pour down Thy grace on the earth. Let all the nations of the earth come to know Thy love;
:to know that Thou lovest us with a mother’s love, and more than a mother’s love for even a mother may be forgetful of her children,
:but Thou forgettest never, because Thy love for Thy creation is boundless, and love cannot forget. O merciful Lord, by the riches of Thy mercy, :save all peoples” (''St Silouan the Athonite'', page 276).
:O Lord, let all Thy peoples discern Thy love, and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, that men may forget the sorrows of this world,
:and forsake all that is evil, and cling unto Thee in love, and live in peace, doing Thy will to Thy glory… I pray Thee, O merciful Lord,
:for all the peoples of the earth, that they may come to know Thee by the Holy Spirit. As Thou didst suffer my sinful self to know Thee in Thy Holy :Spirit, :so let all the peoples of the earth know Thee, and praise Thee day and night. I know, O Lord, that Thou dost love Thy people, but men do not :comprehend Thy love, :and the nations are flung about the surface of the earth… People have forgotten Thee, their Creator, and seek after their own freedom, :not perceiving that Thou art merciful, and lovest the repenting sinner, and givest him the grace of Thy Holy Spirit. Lord, Lord, :grant the strength of Thy grace, that all nations may know Thee in the Holy Spirit, and praise :Thee in joy, :just as Thou didst give to my unclean and odious self the joy of desiring Thee, so that my soul is drawn day and night to crave Thy love”  :(''St Silouan the Athonite'', pages 273-275).
*[ Homily by Orthodox missionary Nathan Hoppe on "The Incarnation of God in Community" (transcript included)]
*[ Homily by Orthodox missionary Nathan Hoppe on "Incarnating the Word of God in Our Hearts and Transmitting it to Our Children" (transcript included)]
*[ "We are going to live in Paradise: Orthodoxy in the Congo"] in ''Road to Emmaus''
*[ "Letters from an Apostle: The Inner Life of Father Cosmas of Zaire"] in ''Road to Emmaus''
*[ Interview with Fr Luke Veronis on "The Making of a Missionary"] in ''Road to Emmaus''
*[ Article on Indonesian missionary priest, Arch. Daniel Byantoro] in ''Road to Emmaus''
{{note|1}} Reardon, Patrick. ''Romans: An Orthodox Commentary.'' New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press 2018. 106-107.
[ "Discovering the Orthodox Missionary Ethos"]
by Archbishop Anastasios of Albania
[ "The What Where, When, and Why of Orthodox Missions"] by Father Martin Ritsi (see also this ([ link])
Stamoolis, James J. ''Eastern Orthodox Mission Theology Today.''
'''Modern Missions'''
Aslanidis, Demetrios. ''Apostle to Zaire: The Life & Legacy of Blessed Father Cosmas of Grigoriou.''
Hayes, Stephen Methodius. [ "Orthodox Mission in Tropical Africa"].

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