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Holy Synod of Milan

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{{cleanup|Suggest changes on the talk page.}}{{Template:Old Calendar}}The '''[[w:Holy Synod of Milan|Holy Synod of Milan]]''' originated as a [[diocese]] for Western Europe of an [[Old Calendarist]] Greek Orthodox Church (see also ''[[ Florinites]]''). The full name of this jurisdiction is the '''Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia Church of [[Milan]], Western Europe and the Americas'''.
The diocese was granted a [[tomos]] of [[autonomy]] in 1984 from [[Archbishop Auxentios ]] in order to pursue missionary work among the non-Orthodox people of the West. The title of the Synod at this time was the ''Metropolia of Western Europe''. After the transference of its first Chief Hierarch, Metropolitan Gabriel of Portugal, to the [[autocephaly|autocephalous]] [[Church of Poland]], Bishop Evloghios of Milan was chosen as second Chief Hierarch and elevated to the rank of [[metropolitan]]. Metropolitan Evloghios, despite being traditionally Orthodox visited canonical churches and was received by their primates, as can be seen in the commemorative photograph where he was received by Metropolitan [[Basil (Doroszkiewicz) of Warsaw]]. He was never and is not now, intransigent towards other Orthodox Churches and never denied the presence of grace in the sacraments of the Church considered official. The Holy Synod of Milan, never conformed to the strict rules of the ultra-orthodox and uncompromising Old Calendarist movement.
Today Metropolitan Evloghios remains at the helm of the Holy Synod of bishops of the Church of Milan, which comprises eight [[diocese]]s, four in Europe and four in America, as well as missionary deaneries in England, Spain and South Africa. The Milan Synod uses the [[Julian calendar]] exclusively, and "firmly resists the [[heresy|heresies]] of false [[ecumenism]] and trans==1989 -religious syncretism."[]BEGINNING OF THE COMMUNION WITH THE UKRANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH==
Since 1997 With the Milan Synod includes a number establishment of '''full communion''' between the [[Western RiteUkranian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A.]] communities, mainly and the Church of Milan in the United States, who were absorbed from an ''episcopoi vagante'1989''' organization. For example, Stthe ecclesiological views of the Archbishop Evloghios became manifestly moderate. Hilarion's Monastery He was in Austinfull communion with Metropolitan [[Mstyslav]] (after First [[Patriarch]] of All Ukraine), Texas, originated manifestly ecumenist and in full communion with the Holy See of [ Liberal Catholic Church[Constantinople]], a theosophist "church." Its bishop later Then [[ ordained Metropolitan]] Evloghios was in full communion with the head historical [[Metropolitan Ioan Bornachuk]] of the Gnostic Orthodox Church as a bishop[[w:Lviv|Lviv]], although right hand of [[Mstyslav]] and later with [[Patriarch Volodymir]] of Kiev (second Patriarch of the ordinand stated he did not need to receive the sacrament, as Holy See of St. Andrew).For two years he had been a bishop was in a past lifefull communion with His Holiness Patriarch Filaret of Kiev. The Milan Synod reportedly did not see fit to reordain this lot upon acceptance. The principal rite Today Metropolitan Evloghios remains at the helm of the Holy Synod of Milan is the Byzantine Rite bishops of the Orthodox Churchof Milan, which comprises four [[diocese]]s, celebrated most commonly in the Slavic style but Europe, as well as missionary deaneries in some parishes in the Greek styleEngland, Spain, France and Canada.
==Ecclesiastical status==As with many of the [[Old CalendaristFile:Basilio1.jpg]] jurisdictions, the Milan Synod is not currently in communion with the mainstream Orthodox churches.
==Sources==*'''His Beatitude [ The Holy Synod [Basil (Doroszkiewicz) of MilanWarsaw] (from [])All Poland with Archbishop Evloghios of Milan'''
==External links==* '''In 1989''', Archbishop Evloghios was in full communion with Metropolitan [[Mstyslav]][http://wwwmediolanum.onr.comme/usercanada/milan Official Website ] Primate of the Milan Synod[[Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA]] (English)* . Metropolitan [ Official Website of the Milan Synod[Mstyslav]] at that time was in full communion with [[Patriarch]] [[Demetrios I]] (Italian)* and [ Official Website [Bartholomew I]] of the Archdiocese of New York and Eastern America, Milan Synod[[Constantinople]].
'''In 1992''', [[Metropolitan Ioan Bornachuk]] of Lviv, assured Metropolitan Evloghios about the full communion between the two churches that is [[Ukranian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Ukraine]] and [[Autonomous Orthodox Church of Milan, Western Europe and Canada]].
'''In October 1993''', Metropolitan Evloghios, as Primate of the Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of [[Milan]] and Western Europe, was invited in his position of First Hierarch in full communion with the [[Ukranian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A.]] to participate at the sobor in Kiev for the election of the second Patriarch after [[Mstyslav]].
'''On November 18, 1993''', the full right of Metropolitan Evloghios to be part of the Holy Synod of the [[Ukranian Orthodox Church]] - Kievan Patriarchate is confirmed by the Patriarch Volodymir .
On March 20, 1994 Metropolitan Evloghios, receives from the hands of Patriarch Volodymir the Tomos of Autonomy[].
The title reconfirmed by [[Patriarch Volodymir]] through a new Tomos of Autonomy (1994)<ref>[ Православна Церква Західної Європи и Канади].</ref> is: ''Archbishop of Milan and Longobardy - Metropolitan of Aquileia, Western Europe and Canada.''
'''On December 25, 1996''' Patriarch Filaret sent a letter to the Canadian episcopate forbidding Metropolitan Evloghios from accepting American bishops under his jurisdiction.
'''On December 27, 1996''' the Holy Synod of Milan responds to Patriarch [[w:Filaret (Denysenko)|Filaret (Denysenko)]] that it intended to accept the American bishops through the laying on of hands (John Lobue and Hilarion of Austin), despite the instructions and threats of Patriarch Filaret and formalizes the final break (protocol 36/1996 of December 27, 1996). Full communion with His Holiness Patriarch [[w:Filaret (Denysenko)|Filaret (Denysenko)]], ceased on December 27, 1996, before he was excomunicated by the Patriarch of Moscow Alexei II.
== 1997 Break of the relation with the Patriarchate of Kiev==
Since 1997 (before the breakdown of relationships with the [[Patriarchate of Kiev]], the Milan Synod included a number of [[Western Rite]] communities, mainly in the United States, who worship according to pre-schismatic (historically Orthodox) liturgical traditions with the support of the Metropolitan and of the [[Holy Synod]] of Bishops.
The principal rite of the Synod of Milan is the [[Byzantine Rite]] of the Orthodox Church, celebrated most commonly in the Slavic style but in some parishes in the Greek style.
The [[Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of North and South America and the British Isles]] was an Old Calendarist jurisdiction which was originally comprised of the Archdioceses of America and the British Deanery of the Holy Synod of Milan. It was granted "Autonomous status" on February 14/27, 2011 through Decree #542 of the Milan Synod. The Tomos of Autonomy was definitively suspended by the Holy Synod of Milan and the bishopric of New York was suppressed. His former bishop John defrocked through Decree #639 of the Milan Synod because he joined with the Russian group called "[[Raphaelites]]"
== Ecclesiastical status ==
As with all of the [[Old Calendarist]] jurisdictions, the Milan Synod is not currently in communion with the mainstream Orthodox churches. During 2011 the [[Orthodox Church in Italy]] joined the Milan Synod, two years after the death of its founder, Metropolitan [[Antonio (de Rosso) of Ravenna]].
The Milan Synod is moderately traditionalist and uses the [[Julian calendar]] exclusively, and "firmly resists the [[heresy|heresies]] of false [[ecumenism]] and trans-religious [[w:syncretism|syncretism]].
== Hierarchy 2015 ==
* Metropolitan [[Evloghios (Hessler) of Milan]], First Hierarch
* Archbishop Abondius (Bica) of Brixia [[w:Brescia|Brescia]]
* Archbishop Daniil (Mogutnov) of Como [[w:Como|Como]]
* Archbishop Boris of Germany
− The composition of the Synod in 1996, before the breakdown of relationship between Milan and Kiev (with Patriarch Filaret (Denysenko))
This Hierarchy is officially published in the bulletins of the Patriarchate of Kiev (see website of the Synod of Milan where they are currently available)
::* Metropolitan EVLOGHIOS of Milan, First Hierarch
::* Archbishop Vigilij of Paris
::* Archbishop GREGORIJ OF TURIN (deceased)
::*[Bishop Vassilij of Ostia
::* Bishop Vladimir of St. Julius Island
::* Archbishop Lazar (Puhalo) of Ottawa
::* Bishop Varlaam (Novakshonoff) of Vancouver
'''Православна Церква Милана, Аквілєї i Західної Європи и Канади'''[]
== External links ==
* [ Official Website of the Autonomous Orthodox Church of Milan (Holy Synod of Milan)](Italian - Russian - English)
* [ News from the Milan Synod Archbishopric maintained by Bp Abbondio of Como] (Italian and Romanian)
[[Category:Old Calendarist Jurisdictions]]

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