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Peter of Moscow

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Saint [[Image:Peter of Moscow.JPG|frame|right|Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia]]Our father among the [[saints]] '''Peter , Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia''' (''Пётр'' in Russian, d. 1326) was the [[Church of Russia|Russian ]] [[metropolitan]] who moved his see from Kiev to Vladimir and then to Moscow. Later he was proclaimed a [[patron saint]] of Moscow. His commemoration by the Church is [[December 21]] and [[August 24]].
Peter was born in Halych-Volynia of pious parents, Theodore and Eupraxia. At the age of twelve, Peter entered a [[monastery]]. He successfully studied the book sciences of those times and eagerly fulfilled his [[monasticism|monastic ]] obedience. Because of his virtuous and ascetic life, the [[igumen]] of the monastery had St Peter [[ordination}ordained ]] as a [[hieromonk]]. After years of ascetic labors at the monastery, the hieromonk Hieromonk Peter, with the blessing of the igumen, left the monastery in search of a solitary place.
He founded a [[monastery]] on the Rata River (Western Bug's tributary) and began to pursue asceticism in silence. Afterwards, at the place of his ascetic exploits, a monastery was formed, called the Novodvorsk. A church dedicated to the Savior was built for the monks [[monk]]s who came to him. Chosen as igumen, St Peter guided his spiritual children, never became becoming angry with a guilty monk. In 1308 king King George of Galicia nominatedhim, and the [[Patriarch patriarch of Constantinople]]appointed him, appointed Peter to the vacant [[see]] of Kiev and all Rus.
Mikhail Yaroslavich, Grand Prince of Vladimir and Tver, wanted to advance his own candidate for this position. Peter's nomination caused prolonged animosity between Mikhail and Peter , to the point that the latter had to ask for protection from the Muscovite princes.
Peter's alliance with Moscow helped assert his own authority and contributed to the rise of the House of Moscow. Peter transferred his metropolitan 's duties from depopulated Kiev to Vladimir and then to Moscow, where he received property and estates. The move strengthened the political position of Moscow and established it as the spiritual capital of a defragmentated Russia.
After Peter's move to Moscow, the Cathedral of the [[Dormition Cathedral (Moscow Kremlin)|Dormition ]] and several other stone churches were built by Ivan Kalita in the Moscow Kremlin. The foundation of the [[Vysokopetrovsky Monastery]] in Moscow is ascribed to St. Peter. He also authored a few [[sermon]]s and [[epistle]]s.
After his canonization by [[Alexis of Moscow|Metropolitan Alexis]], his veneration was propagated all over Moscovy. Accordingly, many churches were dedicated to Peter the Metropolitan in Moscow and other cities of Russia. The Russian Chronicles mention him frequently, and no significant state undertaking was initiated without prayers at the grave of St Peter. The relics of St Peter were transferred in 1472 and 1479. In memory of these events, his [[feastdayfeast day]]s were established for [[October 5]] and (the [[August 24Synaxis of the Hierarchs of Moscow]].==Common day for hierarchs of Moscow== Commemorated on ) and [[October 5August 24]], a celebration of a special day to honor Saints Peter, Alexis, Jonah the Metropolitans and Wonderworkers of All Russia was established by Patriarch Job on October 5, 1596.
In 1875, St [[Innocent of Alaska|Innocent]], Metropolitan of Moscow ([[March 31]] and [[October 6]]) proposed that St Philip be included with the others. ==Hymns==
St Hermogenes was added only in [[Troparion]] (Tone 4) :O Russian Hierarchs,:Guardians of the year 1913Apostolic tradition,:Firm pillars, guides of Orthodoxy,:Peter, Alexis, Jonah, and Philip,:Pray to the Lord of all,:To grant peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.
In 2005 the Church of Russia added St Innocent ([[March 31]] and [[October 6Kontakion]]), St Macarius - ([[December 30]]Tone 3), St Job ([[April 5]] :You were holy as hierarchs;:You taught the people and you were well-pleasing to God.:He has glorified you with incorruption and [[June 19]]), St [[Tikhon miracles:As disciples of the grace of Moscow|Tikhon]] ([[April 7]] and [[October 9]]), St Philaret ([[November 19]]), St Peter ([[September 27]]), and St Macarius ([[February 16]])God.
By celebrating these hierarchs on a common day, the Church offers each of them equal honor, as heavenly protectors of the city of Moscow and prayerful intercessors for Russia.
*[ Wikipedia]
==External link==
*[ Repose of St Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow and Wonderworker of All Russia] [[OCA]] web site.
title=Metropolitan of Moscow (Kiev, Vladimir) and all Russia|
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