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Timeline of Orthodoxy in the British Isles

19 bytes added, 15:31, May 14, 2011
[[Image:Lindisfarne Gospels.jpg|right|thumb|Folio 27r from the [[Lindisfarne Gospels]] contains the incipit from the [[Gospel of Matthew]].]]
*664 [[Synod of Whitby]]; [[Cuthbert]] stricken by the great pestilence; death of St. [[Boisil]], abbot of Melrose Abbey, Scotland;<ref group="note">Almost all that is known of St. Boisol or Boswell, is learned from St. [[Bede]] (Eccles. Hist., IV, xxvii, and Vita Cuthberti).</ref> death of St. [[Cedd of Lastingham|Cedd]], Apostle of Essex.
*668 [[Gerald of Mayo]] follows [[Colman of Lindisfame|Colman]] and settles in Innisboffin.
*669 [[Theodore of Tarsus]] arrives in Kent at the age of seven.
*670 [[Colman]] founds an English monastery, separate to from the Irish, the "Mayo of the Saxons,"<ref group="note">The Mayo (Magh Eo, the yew plain), known as "Mayo of the Saxons". St. [[Bede]] writes of this monastery: "This monastery is to this day (731) occupied by English monks... and contains an exemplary body who gathered there from England, and live by the labour of their own hands (after the manner of the early Fathers), under a rule and canonical abbot, leading chaste and single lives."</ref> with [[Gerald of Mayo]] as the first abbot.
*672 Death of [[Chad of Lichfield]] and Mercia.
*673 Historian [[Bede]] born.

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