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332 bytes added, 18:01, April 25, 2011
added image gallery
==Table of preparation==
On left side of the altar is placed the table of preparation ([[Table of oblation]] or prothesis) upon which the sacramental offering of the Body and Blood of Christ is prepared in a service called the [[proskomedia]] before each liturgy.
== Image Gallery ==
Image:AltarStMaryChurchBluefieldWV.JPG|<small>Altar Table: St. Mary Church, Bluefield, WV, USA</small>
Image:AltarStMarkBradentonFL1.jpg|<small>Altar Table: St Mark Church, Bradenton, FL, USA</small>
Image:AltarTheophanyNagoyaJapan.JPG|<small>Altar Table: Holy Theophany Church, Nagoya, Japan</small>
==External links==

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