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Alexander (Du) Lifu

234 bytes added, 03:40, April 24, 2009
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Archpriest '''Alexander Du Lifu''' was the last priest of a small group of Chinese Orthodox [[w:Albazinians|Albasians]] in Beijing, Chinese Orthodox who according to tradition, are descendants of about fifty Russian soldiers who survived a war between Russia and China in the 1680s. The Emperor [[w:Kangxi Emperor|Kangxi]] was said to be so impressed by their height and good looks that Up until his death he allowed them had repeatedly petitioned the authorities for permission to marry ladiesre-establish a parish for the small Orthodox community in-waiting from the Forbidden City. One of the soldiers was named DubininBeijing, and Du which is the Chinese version of the surnamethree hundred years old.
Fr. Alexander was born in Beijing on [[January 17]] 1923, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1950 by the head of the [[Russian Orthodox Mission in China]] Archbishop [[Victor (Svyatin) of Krasnodar and Kuban|Victor (Svyatin)]] of Beijing and China, and . He died in Beijing on [[December 16]], 2003. According to tradition, the [[w:Albazinians|Albasians]] are Chinese Orthodox descendants of about fifty Russian soldiers who survived a war between Russia and China in the 1680s. The Emperor [[w:Kangxi Emperor|Kangxi]] was said to be so impressed by their height and good looks that he allowed them to marry ladies-in-waiting from the Forbidden City. One of the soldiers was named Dubinin, and Du is the Chinese version of the surname.

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