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Talk:Old Calendarists

2,826 bytes added, 05:28, January 6, 2007
[[User:HSAD|HSAD]], please explain your deletion. If you delete this again without explanation, your account will be suspended from OrthodoxWiki. You are welcome to contest facts, if that is the issue, but you may not simply suppress the conversation. — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([ talk])
== HOCNA ==
At the present time, Fr. John is editing the aticle written on HOCNA. We have provided many links to primary documents. Too much has been made of the moral accusations (made by by witnesses unworthy to make allegations against a clergyman) and not by the infractions against the Anathema of 1983 against Ecumenism which all the bishops of ROCOR signed in 1983. I have put "The Holy Orthodox Church in North America: In 1986, the monks of Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Brookline, MA were accused of moral crimes. The accusers were not worthy witnesses according to Sacred Canons and the monastery asked for a canonical investigation and trial for 11 months before giving up hope. At the same time, the clergy that were to become HOCNA noted that even before the moral accusations were given serious consideration by the bishops of ROCOR, there were many violations of the Anathema Against Ecumenism that all the Bishops of ROCOR had signed in 1983. When it became clear by the bishop's silence in regard to the violations of the Anathema and also the indiscreet spreading of slander against Holy Transfiguration Monastery that their protests were considered tiresome and were not being delt with in a pastoral way, they, with approximately one-thirteeth of the North American parishes of the ROCOR, left the ROCOR"
There is also misinformation on when administrative unity was lost with Greece. The bishops in North America never broke communion with Archbishop Auxentios, but with Archbishop Maximos after he had consecrated bishops without the permission of the other bishops.
The main issues that presently prevent administrative unity between HOCNA and one of the synods in Greece are respect for diocesan boundries and suspicion of the Kollivades traditions in HOCNA such as frequent Holy Communion (weekly in the parishes and daily in the monasteries if there are no impediments), the canonicity of the icon of the Holy Trinity other than the Hospitality of Abraham, etc. which are not part of the general fabric of Church life among the "True Orthodox" in Greece with the exception, perhaps, of the Synod of Arcbishop Cyprian of Fili. Another impediment was the issue of the "deposition" of Archbishop Auxentios which has now, glory be to God, been retracted by both the Chrysostomite and Makarian Synods and is no longer an issue.
Finally, I would question the assertion that the "Old Calendar" synods in Bulgaria and Romania give the Holy Mysteries to those who follow the New Calendar or are involved in Ecumenism. I do not think they do. Perhaps in Greece the Synod of Cyprian of Fili does, but not in these other Synods, though obviously their differing practices have not made them break communion with Archbishop Cyprian.[[User:Fr. Sergius|Fr. Sergius]] 21:28, January 5, 2007 (PST)

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