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Symeon the Stylite

152 bytes removed, March 18
External Links and Sources
*[ St. Symeon and the Pillar Saints] ''History of the Christian Church, Volume III: Nicene and Post-Nicene Christianity. A.D. 311-600.'' Chapter 4, Section 37, by Philip Schaff.
*[ St. Symeon the Stylite Monastery] details the life of Saint Symeon as well as the history of the monastery in his name in Syria
*[ Simeon Stylites the Elder, Hermit] from the site of Saint Patrick's Church in Washington, DC ([[Roman Catholic Church|Catholic]])
*[ Saint Symeon the Stylite] from the [[Orthodox Church in America]] website
*[ Father Symeon Stylite the Elder] from the Santa Barbara [[Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America|Greek Orthodox Church]] in Orange, CT
[[fr:Syméon le Stylite]]
[[pt:Simeão, o Estilita]]
[[ro:Simeon Stâlpnicul]]

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