Created page with "An '''aspergillum'''<ref>[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/aspergillum Aspergillum], ''Merriam-Webster Dictionary''. Retrieved on October 8, 2014.</ref> ("little..."
An '''aspergillum'''<ref>[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/aspergillum Aspergillum], ''[[Merriam-Webster Dictionary]]''. Retrieved on October 8, 2014.</ref> ("little sprinkler",<ref name="LoBello">{{cite book |last1=Lo Bello |first1=Anthony |title=The Origins of Catholic Words A Discursive Dictionary |date=January 24, 2020 |publisher=Catholic University of America Press |isbn=9780813232300 |page=52 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=4a7QDwAAQBAJ |access-date=5 June 2023}}</ref> less commonly, '''aspergilium''', '''aspergil''' or '''asperger''') is a Christian [[liturgy|liturgical]] implement used to [[Aspersion|sprinkle]] [[holy water]]. It comes in three forms: a freshly cut [[ezov|hyssop]] branch, a brush-like bundle that is dipped in the holy water and shaken, and a perforated, mace-like metal ball with a handle. Some have sponges or internal reservoirs that dispense holy water when shaken, while others must periodically be dipped in an '''aspersorium''' (holy water bucket, known to art historians as a [[situla (vessel)|situla]]).
An aspergillum is used in [[Roman Catholic]], [[Lutheran]] and [[Anglicanism|Anglican]] ceremonies, including the Rite of [[Baptism]] and during the [[Eastertide|Easter Season]].<ref>{{cite web |title=What are the practices for remembering and affirming baptism? |url=https://download.elca.org/ELCA%20Resource%20Repository/What_are_the_practices_for_remembering_and_affirming_baptism.pdf |publisher=[[Evangelical Lutheran Church in America]] |access-date=6 June 2021 |language=English}}</ref> In addition, a priest will use the aspergillum to bless the candles during [[Candlemas]] services and the palms during [[Palm Sunday]] Mass.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Crump |first1=William D. |title=Encyclopedia of Easter Celebrations Worldwide |date=February 22, 2021 |publisher=McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers |isbn=9781476680545 |page=219 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=nksgEAAAQBAJ |access-date=5 June 2023}}</ref> At a [[requiem]], if a coffin is present, the priest will sprinkle holy water on the coffin. The aspergillum can be used in other manners where sprinkling of holy water is appropriate, as in a house blessing, in which the priest might bless the entry to the home, during the [[Blessing of the Fleet]],<ref>{{cite book |editor1-last=U.S. Government Printing Office |title=Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-third Congress, Second Session |date=1974 |publisher=United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation |page=39 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=1Vs-AQAAIAAJ |access-date=23 June 2023}}</ref> or as part of the ceremony consecrating an [[altar]] and [[Dedication of churches|a church building]]. The priest holds the aspergillum in his right hand while an acolyte holds the aspersorium. The name derives from the [[Latin]] verb ''aspergere'' 'to sprinkle'.<ref name="LoBello" />
The form of the aspergillum differs in the [[Eastern Orthodox Church]]. In the [[Greek Orthodox Church]] the aspergillum (''randistirion'') is in the form of a standing vessel with a tapering lid. The top of the lid has holes in it from which the [[Holy water in Eastern Christianity|''agiasmos'']] (holy water) is sprinkled. In the [[Russian Orthodox Church]] the aspergillum is in the form of a [[Fly-whisk|whisk]] made of cloth or hair. Sometimes, sprigs of [[basil]] are used to sprinkle holy water. In some of the [[Oriental Orthodox Churches]], no aspergillum is used, but the priest will pour holy water into the palm of his right hand and throw it on the faithful.
[[Image:Aspergillum by Julia O'Gara.jpg|thumb|Proto-aspergillum as described in Leviticus]]
The origin is found in the [[Book of Leviticus]] Chapter 14 in the [[Old Testament]]:
<blockquote>And the [[kohen|priest]] goes out of the camp and the priest looks, and beholds that the sore of the [[tzaraath|leprosy]] of the leper is healed. And the priest commands, and takes, for the one healed, two unblemished live birds, cedar wood, [[Kermes (dye)|Coccus scarlet]], and [[hyssop]]. And the priest commands, and slaughters the one bird in a pottery vessel upon living water. He takes the live bird and the cedar wood and the Coccus scarlet and the hyssop and dips them and the live bird in the blood of the bird slaughtered upon the living water. And sprinkle seven times upon him purified of leprosy, and he is purified, and sends the live bird upon the face of the field.</blockquote>
Adam Clarke's commentary:
<blockquote>Of the cedar wood, hyssop, clean bird, and scarlet wool or fillet, were made an aspergillum, or instrument to sprinkle with. The cedarwood served for the handle, the hyssop and living bird were attached to it, by means of the scarlet wool or crimson fillet. The bird was so bound to this handle, as that its tail should be downwards, in order to be dipped in the blood of the bird that had been killed. The whole of this made an instrument for the sprinkling of this blood, and when this business was done, the living bird was let loose, and permitted to go whithersoever it would.<ref>Adam Clarke, 1831, vol. I p. 52</ref>{{Full citation needed|date=April 2022}}</blockquote>
Clarke again, of Verse 5:
<blockquote>Over running water – Literally "living", that is, spring water. The meaning appears to be this; some water (about a quarter of a log, an egg shell and half full, according to the rabbis) was taken from a spring, and put in a clean earthen vessel, and they killed the bird over this water, that the blood might drop into it...<ref>Adam Clarke, 1831, vol. I p. 529</ref>{{Full citation needed|date=April 2022}}</blockquote>
Further, these ceremonies conducted by the priest did not cure skin disease. According to [[The Gospel of Luke|Luke]], the diseased person came to the priest ''after'' he had been healed (Luke 5:14). The task of the priest was to make the person who had been excluded from the camp, from his people, and from God, ceremonially clean. Through these ceremonial cleansings, which took place in two stages, a week apart, the diseased individual was restored to fellowship with God and with His people.<ref name="reform">[[Reformation Study Bible]]</ref>
The procedure was a first stage of cleansing which took place outside the camp. The man washed himself and his clothes, and shaved. Two birds were taken. The blood of one was used to purify the man. The death of that bird portrayed the end of the man's old life outside the camp, and the flight to freedom of the other pictured his liberation from the effects of the disease. Then the man might enter the camp again.<ref name="reform" />
An aspergillum is used in [[Roman Catholic]], [[Lutheran]] and [[Anglicanism|Anglican]] ceremonies, including the Rite of [[Baptism]] and during the [[Eastertide|Easter Season]].<ref>{{cite web |title=What are the practices for remembering and affirming baptism? |url=https://download.elca.org/ELCA%20Resource%20Repository/What_are_the_practices_for_remembering_and_affirming_baptism.pdf |publisher=[[Evangelical Lutheran Church in America]] |access-date=6 June 2021 |language=English}}</ref> In addition, a priest will use the aspergillum to bless the candles during [[Candlemas]] services and the palms during [[Palm Sunday]] Mass.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Crump |first1=William D. |title=Encyclopedia of Easter Celebrations Worldwide |date=February 22, 2021 |publisher=McFarland, Incorporated, Publishers |isbn=9781476680545 |page=219 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=nksgEAAAQBAJ |access-date=5 June 2023}}</ref> At a [[requiem]], if a coffin is present, the priest will sprinkle holy water on the coffin. The aspergillum can be used in other manners where sprinkling of holy water is appropriate, as in a house blessing, in which the priest might bless the entry to the home, during the [[Blessing of the Fleet]],<ref>{{cite book |editor1-last=U.S. Government Printing Office |title=Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-third Congress, Second Session |date=1974 |publisher=United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation |page=39 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=1Vs-AQAAIAAJ |access-date=23 June 2023}}</ref> or as part of the ceremony consecrating an [[altar]] and [[Dedication of churches|a church building]]. The priest holds the aspergillum in his right hand while an acolyte holds the aspersorium. The name derives from the [[Latin]] verb ''aspergere'' 'to sprinkle'.<ref name="LoBello" />
The form of the aspergillum differs in the [[Eastern Orthodox Church]]. In the [[Greek Orthodox Church]] the aspergillum (''randistirion'') is in the form of a standing vessel with a tapering lid. The top of the lid has holes in it from which the [[Holy water in Eastern Christianity|''agiasmos'']] (holy water) is sprinkled. In the [[Russian Orthodox Church]] the aspergillum is in the form of a [[Fly-whisk|whisk]] made of cloth or hair. Sometimes, sprigs of [[basil]] are used to sprinkle holy water. In some of the [[Oriental Orthodox Churches]], no aspergillum is used, but the priest will pour holy water into the palm of his right hand and throw it on the faithful.
[[Image:Aspergillum by Julia O'Gara.jpg|thumb|Proto-aspergillum as described in Leviticus]]
The origin is found in the [[Book of Leviticus]] Chapter 14 in the [[Old Testament]]:
<blockquote>And the [[kohen|priest]] goes out of the camp and the priest looks, and beholds that the sore of the [[tzaraath|leprosy]] of the leper is healed. And the priest commands, and takes, for the one healed, two unblemished live birds, cedar wood, [[Kermes (dye)|Coccus scarlet]], and [[hyssop]]. And the priest commands, and slaughters the one bird in a pottery vessel upon living water. He takes the live bird and the cedar wood and the Coccus scarlet and the hyssop and dips them and the live bird in the blood of the bird slaughtered upon the living water. And sprinkle seven times upon him purified of leprosy, and he is purified, and sends the live bird upon the face of the field.</blockquote>
Adam Clarke's commentary:
<blockquote>Of the cedar wood, hyssop, clean bird, and scarlet wool or fillet, were made an aspergillum, or instrument to sprinkle with. The cedarwood served for the handle, the hyssop and living bird were attached to it, by means of the scarlet wool or crimson fillet. The bird was so bound to this handle, as that its tail should be downwards, in order to be dipped in the blood of the bird that had been killed. The whole of this made an instrument for the sprinkling of this blood, and when this business was done, the living bird was let loose, and permitted to go whithersoever it would.<ref>Adam Clarke, 1831, vol. I p. 52</ref>{{Full citation needed|date=April 2022}}</blockquote>
Clarke again, of Verse 5:
<blockquote>Over running water – Literally "living", that is, spring water. The meaning appears to be this; some water (about a quarter of a log, an egg shell and half full, according to the rabbis) was taken from a spring, and put in a clean earthen vessel, and they killed the bird over this water, that the blood might drop into it...<ref>Adam Clarke, 1831, vol. I p. 529</ref>{{Full citation needed|date=April 2022}}</blockquote>
Further, these ceremonies conducted by the priest did not cure skin disease. According to [[The Gospel of Luke|Luke]], the diseased person came to the priest ''after'' he had been healed (Luke 5:14). The task of the priest was to make the person who had been excluded from the camp, from his people, and from God, ceremonially clean. Through these ceremonial cleansings, which took place in two stages, a week apart, the diseased individual was restored to fellowship with God and with His people.<ref name="reform">[[Reformation Study Bible]]</ref>
The procedure was a first stage of cleansing which took place outside the camp. The man washed himself and his clothes, and shaved. Two birds were taken. The blood of one was used to purify the man. The death of that bird portrayed the end of the man's old life outside the camp, and the flight to freedom of the other pictured his liberation from the effects of the disease. Then the man might enter the camp again.<ref name="reform" />