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[[Image:Hosea.jpg|thumb|right|200px|The Holy Prophet Hosea (Russian icon, XVIIIth century)]]
The Holy '''Prophet Hosea''' (Hebrew:הוֹשֵׁעַ, Hôšēă, Greek '''Ὠσηέ''' = '''Ōsēe''') was the son of Beeri and a [[prophet]] in Israel in the eighth century before the birth of Christ. He is one of the Twelve Minor Prophets of the [[Old Testament]]. He was a contemporary of the Prophets Isaiah, [[Micah]], and Amos.
The Prophet Hosea strove to bring the many Israelites who had forgotten the true God of their forefathers back to the fold. He denounced the iniquities of the people of the northern kingdom of Israel, proclaiming to them the misfortunes they would suffer at the hands of invading foreigners. He foretold the end of the sacrificial offerings and the the priesthood of Aaron, Hosea 3:4-5. He prophesied about Christ, who would return from Egypt, (Hosea 11;1), would be resurrected on the third day, (Hosea 6:2), and would conquer death, (Hosea 1313-14).
His [[feast day]] is celebrated on [[October 17]]. He is also remembered on the Sunday of the Holy Fathers which is the Sunday before the celebration of the Nativity of the Our Lord.