Iconostasis of Kizhi monastery, early 18th c., public domain. Accessed from Wikimedia Commons. I am uploading this to our wiki since I am able to get the photo added from wikimedia directly as I have been able with my other pages.
== Summary ==
Iconostasis of Kizhi monastery, early 18th c., public domain. Accessed from Wikimedia Commons. I am uploading this to our wiki since I am able to get the photo added from wikimedia directly as I have been able with my other pages.
== Copyright status: ==
Public Domain
== Source: ==
Iconostasis of Kizhi monastery, early 18th c., public domain. Accessed from Wikimedia Commons. I am uploading this to our wiki since I am able to get the photo added from wikimedia directly as I have been able with my other pages.
== Copyright status: ==
Public Domain
== Source: ==