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Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia

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===Ruling bishops===
* Metropolitan [[Hilarion Mark (KapralArndt) of SydneyBerlin|Hilarion Mark (KapralArndt)]] of New York and Eastern AmericaBerlin, First Hierarch of the ROCOR, Archbishop of Sydney, [[Diocese of Australia and New Zealand (ROCOR)|Australia and New Zealand]]Germany
* Archbishop [[Peter (Loukianoff) of Cleveland|Peter (Loukianoff)]] of Chicago and Mid-America
* Archbishop [[Mark (Arndt) of Berlin|Mark (Arndt)]] of Berlin, Germany and of Great Britain
* Archbishop [[Kyrill (Dmitrieff) of San Francisco|Kyrill (Dmitrieff)]] of San Francisco and Western America
* Archbishop [[Gabriel (Chemodakov) of Manhattan|Gabriel (Chemodakov)]] of Montreal and Canada
* Bishop [[Michael (Donskoff) of Geneva|Michael (Donskoff)]] of Geneva and Western Europe
* Bishop [[John (Bērziņš) of Caracas|John (Bērziņš)]] of Caracas and South America
* Bishop [[Irenei (Steenberg)]] of Bishop of Great Britain and Western Europe
===Vicar bishops===
* Bishop [[Theodosius (Ivashchenko)]] of Seattle, Vicar of the Diocese of Western America.
* Bishop [[George (Schaefer)]] of Mayfield, Vicar of the Diocese of Eastern America.
* Bishop [[Nicholas (Olhovsky)]] of Bishop of ManhattanBrisbane, Vicar of the Eastern American Dioceseof Australia and New Zealand* Bishop [[Irenei (Steenberg)]] of Bishop of Sacramento Vicar of the Western American Diocese
===Retired bishops===

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