Donation FAQs
Since it was founded in 2004, OrthodoxWiki has been fully financed by FrJohn. As of November 2011, costs have increased due to infrastructure improvements, and we are asking for your help to defray these costs, as well as the cost of future development on the wiki.
By our estimates, OrthodoxWIki is the most visited Orthodox Christian site in the English speaking world. We are approaching 200,000 unique visitors per month, with almost half a million page views. We want to keep OrthodoxWiki fast, stable, and keep making improvements.
[hide]Are donations tax-deductible?
Unfortunately, at this point donations are not tax-deductible.
Where does my donation go?
Donations sent via the PayPal button go to FrJohn and are earmarked for OrthodoxWiki hosting and development.
What about content?
We recognize that OrthodoxWiki is a community effort from top to bottom. Content is offered freely and is written by volunteers. This content is the heart of the website, and, although we value their work immensely, we do not pay contributors or editors.
How much do you need?
Even a couple hundred dollars a month would be really helpful.
What would you do with a lot of money?
If substantial donations are received, we would consider incorporating OrthodoxWiki as a non-profit association, with a proper board of directors to help ensure that donations are used for purposes that enhance the mission of OrthodoxWIki. One idea would be to sponsor digitization projects of archival public domain Orthodox literature.
Questions or comments? Please feel free to post to the discussion page.
Thank you, In Christ,