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Nikanor (Savic)

988 bytes added, 02:31, March 7, 2016
Hymns: Added English tentative translation - Fr Alexander Borodin with assistance of Kosta Simic
Troparion, Tone 8 (untranslatedSerbian):
:Стасавао си на светогорским путевима,
:да нас спасе и сачува у слози Његовој.
Kontakion, Tone 3 (untranslatedSerbian):
:Радуј се најудаљенији светосавски манастире.
:захвалним песмама Творцу свега света:
:да нас спасе његовим очинским молитивама.
Troparion, Tone 8: (English - tentative translation)
:Having been raised on the paths of the Holy Mountain
:In the sacred imperial lavra of Hilandar,
:O Venerable Elder Nikanor.
:Arriving as a unifier and conciliator to the Serbian people in (distant) Australia
:Witnessing for us the love of Christ and having sanctified our land by thy holy departure.
:Thy holy relics are part of this sky which is adorned with the Southern Cross.
:Thus this thy Cross-bearing people do beseech:
:Pray unto Christ God to save us and preserve us in His harmony.
Kontakion, Tone 3: (English - tentative translation)
:Rejoice thee O furthest scattered monastery of St Sava.
:For in thee was glorified the pro-abbot of Hilandar -
:Elder Nikanor of the Holy Mountain, Australia and New Zealand.
:With thee do exult all the Orthodox of Oceania,
:and we the spiritual children of the Elder cry in unison
:with songs of thanksgiving to the Creator of the whole Universe:
:that He may save us by the father's prayers.

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