User talk:FrJohn
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/archived discussion 1 (through 09-07-2005)
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/archived discussion 4 (through 04-13-2007)
Orthodoxwiki in Greek
Father bless. I have to apologise for my English and I'll like to ask you what i have to do to create the greek version of the Orthodoxwiki? Your blesses and I hope for the success of the progect--Adolapts 04:34, May 8, 2007 (PDT)
content on wikipedia
Fr John - template added. Which page is being lifted to wikipedia? — edited by Pιsτévο talk complaints at 17:29, May 17, 2007 (PDT)
Fr John you are considered host of this wiki. Please could you point out who is host on el.OrthodoxWiki? --Kalogeropoulos 03:59, May 25, 2007 (PDT)
Dear FrJohn, thank you for promoting me in sysop status. You 've done it exactly at the moment I was ready to ask for it, for a short period, in order to translate some messages of the system. Please feel free to take it back when basic job is done and other more qualified persons arrive. In due time I should propose el:User:kostisl appointed for sysop -if he wishes, starts and continues editing articles. He has already done excellent work on Orthodoxy in greek wikipedia, and he is the proper person I think for this kind of job, as it concerns special terminology about theology and orthodoxy.
I'm working on a systematic excavation -the first of the Aegean University- in Kymisala area, in Rhodes Island of Dodecanese, Aegean Sea. Please feel free to ask detailed informations when you need it for your friends. I 've met OrthodoxWiki long ago, searching links about Innocent of Alaska and Alascan Diocese in order to use them on Patrology Project (electronic publication of Patrology's texts) of the University. I came back because of a link in greek wikipedia, and I'll try to help as much as I can. I 've found it a splendid idea for Orthodoxy all around the world and here maybe is the proper place to thank all who are working toward this purpose. I must confess that I am not exactly the religious type, who is able to conform to a dogma. I prefer the mystical type of approaching Christ, that's why I consider other users fitter than me. I wish you the best--Kalogeropoulos 09:01, May 25, 2007 (PDT)
Could you do me a favor?
Could you please restore the article of Archbishop Anthony of San Francisco? I had received permission to post it from the author of the article, Fr. Peter. I should have made that clear....sorry. --Nectarios 12:19, May 31, 2007 (PDT)