Saints Athanasius (373) and Cyril (444), Archbishops of Alexandria; Martyr Theodoula of Anazarbus in Cilicia (ca.304); Martyrs Helladius, Theodoulos, Boethius, Evagrius, and Macarius, of Anazarbus in Cilicia (ca. 304); Martyr Xenia of Rome, by fire; Venerable Marcian of Cyrrhus, monk, in Syria (ca.388); Venerable Ephraimios, Bishop of Mylasa, in Caria (5th c.); Venerbale Sylvanus of Palestine, ascetic; Virgin-martyr Prisca of Rome (1st or 3rd c.); Martyrs Archelais, Thecla and Susanna, three holy virgins, at Salerno (293); Saint Volusianus of Tours, a married senator who was chosen Bishop of Tours and shortly after driven out by Arian Visigoths (496); Saint Liberata of Como, a holy virgin in Como in Italy where with her sister St Faustina she founded the convent of Santa Margarita (580); Saint Leobardus of Marmoutier in Gaul, hermit (593); Saint Ninnidh of Inismacsaint (Ireland) (6th c.) - (see also January 17); Saint Deicolus, one of the twelve disciples to accompany St. Columbanus in his missionary enterprise, Abbot of Lure (625); Saint Ulfrid (Ulfrith, Wolfred, Wulfrid, Wilfrid), missionary in Germany and Sweden, martyred for destroying an image of Thor (1028); Venerable Ephraim the Lesser (the Philosopher) of Georgia (1101); Venerable Cyril, Igumen at Kiev (1146); Saint Joachim I, Patriarch of Turnovo and Bulgaria (1248); Saints Cyril and Maria, Schema-monastics, (both ca. 1337), parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh; Saint Maximus of Serbia (Maximus the New), Archbishop of Wallachia (1516); Venerable Athanasius of Syandemsk, Abbot of Syandemsk (Valaam and Vologda) (1550); Venerable Athanasius of Novolotsk, Fool-for-Christ (16th-17th c.); Saint Alexis (Shushania), Hieromonk of Teklati, Georgia (1923); New Hieromartyr Michael, Priest (1919); New Hieromartyr Eugene, Priest (1930); New Hieromartyr Vladimir Zubkovich, Archpriest of Smolevichi (Belorussia) (1937); New Hieromartyrs Nicholas, Sergius, Alexander, Priests (1938).