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Joined 20 years ago

About Katja

en This user is a native speaker of English.
de-3 Dieser Benutzer hat sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse.
ru-1 Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
uk-0 Цей користувач не розуміє української мови (або розуміє зі значними труднощами).

A convert to Orthodoxy, Katjuscha was baptised into the Orthodox Church in September 2002 in Munich, Germany.

A primary interest of hers is the World War II German resistance group "Die Weiße Rose" (The White Rose), where a group, primarily made up of university students, decided that they needed to band together against impossible odds to fight the Nazis. This was based, in large part, on their shared Christian faith. None of them were perfect people, but even in the times of greatest darkness and evil, they felt compelled to follow God and serve the truth. One of founders of this group was the martyr and saint Alexander Schmorell, to whom Katjuscha has particular devotion.

Other interests include, but are not limited to the following: Orthodox Churches (especially historic and rural Orthodox Churches), Orthodoxy in America, Early Orthodoxy in the United States, Missionaries to the United States, "Prairie Orthodoxy", Orthodoxy and Technology, Orthodox Christian Witness in the Modern World, and the Orthodox Church in Germany.

Katjuscha has been on OrthodoxWiki since January 2005, with varying degrees of participation. For the longest time, she believed that in order to contribute to this project, she had to be an expert on the subject. However, somewhere along the line, she realized that for an encyclopedia, a decent overview of a subject is what most people are looking for. Therefore, due to this epiphany, a whole world of subjects to write about has opened up. She also encourages anyone reading this to consider contributing to OrthodoxWiki.

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