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Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

40 bytes added, 01:22, March 31, 2011
In July 2005, at the 21st [[Sobor]] of the UOCC, [[Archbishop]] John (Stinka) was elected ''Archbishop of Winnipeg and [[Metropolitan]] of Canada''. In late 2005 the Holy Synod of the Constantinopolitan Orthodox Church elected Archbishop John as the official successor to Metropolitan [[Wasyly (Fedak) of Winnipeg|Wasyly (Fedak)]] of blessed memory. His Eminence thus became the first Canadian-born leader of the Church in her 87-year history.
On [[July 23]], 2006, Metropolitan John was enthroned in Holy Trinity Cathedral by His Eminence Metropolitan [[Sotirios (Athanassoulas) of Toronto|Sotirios of Toronto]], the Exarch of Canada of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Also present were their Eminences Archbishops Yurij of Toronto and Antony of New York of the UOCUSA and His Grace Bishop Georgije of Hamilton of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Also present was the Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America's Canadian Archdiocese, the Metropolitan and Metropolitan-Emeritus of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of Canada (Lawrence and Michael, respectively), and representatives of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United Churches of Canada.
During a Church Council in August 2008, members came from all across the country came together to elect two new bishops, vote on a change of bylaws, and celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Church. Bishop [[Ilarion (Rudnyk) of Edmonton|Ilarion (Rudnyk)]], vicar bishop in Portugal (under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate), was elected to the Edmonton cathedra, and Bishop [[Andriy (Peshko) of Krateia|Andrij (Peshko)]], of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, was elected to be the auxiliary of the Central Eparchy [] . With the election of these two young bishops, the UOCC again restored its Local Synod and a full slate of bishops for the Church. The Council was also attended by Bishop [[Christophoros (Rakintzakis) of Andida]] ([[auxiliary bishop]] of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto), who represented the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and by Archbishop Antony of New York and Bishop Daniel of Chicago, both of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.