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Monastery of Pantanassa (Mangrove Mountain, New South Wales)

168 bytes added, 00:09, September 1, 2005
Building Works
==Building Works==
*27 May 2005, building works started on the new monastic complexsite on top of the mountain. This included...**Building a 400 metre (1350 ft) driveway through forest to the building site (which ends 50 metres from the cliff edge) (completed).**Excavating the mountain so as to provide three flat levels for buildings to go on***These earth works are anticipated to be were completed in time for the foundation stone ceremony of 16 July, 2005.*First stage includes the new chapel and the first section of the living quarters, sufficient for the present number of monks.*Second stage includes the remainder of the living quarters for the monks.*Third stage includes the iconography studio.*Opposite the entrance of the Church, and adjacent to the main entry of the monastery, is the refectory. Other parts of the complex include the library, office, confessional and guest accomodation.*The new monastic complex is designed to have the layout and aesthetics of a traditional [[Mount Athos|Athonite]] monastery: the main church in the middle of a cloistered quadrangle.***This formation is intended to have a fortress effect. "To outsiders it appears solid and uninviting, with few openings and little opportunity for interaction. However, for those welcomed into the complex the architecture softens and opens up with a continuous arched cloister and details reminiscent of the Athonite language." (The Vema, 2005:12/30)**Opposite the entrance of the Church, and adjacent to the main entry of the monastery, is the refectory. Other parts of the complex include the living quarters, iconography studio, library, office, chapel, confessional and guest accomodation.<font size="1">Reference: The Vema, 2005:12/30</font>.
==Bibliography and Links==
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