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Georges Florovsky

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{{orthodoxyinamerica}}[[Image:Florovsky book.jpg|left|frame|thumb|2004 book on Florovsky, edited by Andrew Blane]]
[[Protopresbyter]] '''Georges Vasilievich Florovsky''' ([[August 23]], 1893 – [[August 11]], 1979) was a prominent 20th century Orthodox Christian [[priest]], [[theologian]], and writer, active in the [[ecumenism|ecumenical movement]]. His writing is known for its clear, profound style, covering subjects on nearly every aspect of Church life.
Florovsky was born in Odessa as the fourth child of a [[priest]]. Inspired by the erudite environment in which he grew up, he learned English, German, French, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew while still a schoolboy. At eighteen, he started to study philosophy and history. After his first graduation, he taught for three years at high schools in Odessa and then made his full graduation including the licensia docendi at all universities in the Russian empire. In 1919, he began to teach at the University of Odessa, but his family was forced to leave Russia in 1920. The young Florovsky realized at that time that there would be no return for him, because Marxism did not accept the history and philosophy he taught. Florovsky thus became part of the great emigration of the Russian intelligentsia, which also included [[Nikolai Berdyaev]], [[Sergius Bulgakov|Sergei Bulgakov]], [[Nicholas Lossky]], [[Alexander Schmemann]], and [[John Meyendorff]], the latter two of whom later followed Florovsky as Dean of [[St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Crestwood, New York)|Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary]].