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Bishop of San Francisco

1 byte added, 16:25, April 1, 2010
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*Bp. [[Nicholas (Ziorov) of Warsaw|Nicholas (Ziorov)]] (1891- 1898)
*St. [[Tikhon of Moscow|Tikhon (Belavin)]] of Moscow (1898- 1907) American Cathedra transferred from San Francisco to New York. American Archdiocese given to two auxiliaries, Bishop [[Innocent (Pustynsky)]] for Alaska and St. [[Raphael of Brooklyn|Raphael Hawaweeny]] for the Syrians.
*Archbishop [[Apollinary (Koshevoy) of San Francisco]] (1926-33) In 1927, the diocese (and the Russian Church in America) would split in two, he was at that time expelled from the [ Holy Trinity Cathedral] on Green Street in San Francisco. He and half of the community of Holy Trinity started a seperate parish, which would later become [ Holy Virgin Cathdral] (ROCOR) on Geary Blvd.