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Paul (de Ballester-Convallier) of Nazianzus

16 bytes added, 04:00, October 16, 2009
:''As it became known from the city of Mexico, before yesterday the Bishop of Nazianzus, Paul De Ballester of the Greek Archdiocese of North and South America, died. He was murdered by a 70 year old Mexican, a previous military man who was suffering from psychiatric illness. The funeral was attended by Archbishop Iakovos who was aware of the work of the active bishop. It should be pointed out that Bishop Paul was of Spanish origin, was received into Orthodoxy as an adult and excelled as a shepherd and author. The Mexican authorities do not exclude the possibility that his murderer was driven to his act through some sort of fanaticism''.
Bishop Paul of Nazianzus not only proved worthy of his calling, but also became a [[New Martyrs|neomartyr ]] of Orthodoxy. In a recent visit to Mexico of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch [[Bartholomew I (Archontonis) of Constantinople|Bartholomew (Archontonis)]] in 2006, the order was given to Metropolitan Athenagoras of Mexico and Central America to transfer the relics of the late Bishop Paul of Nazianzus to the Metropolis and be laid to rest at the monument of this Bishop that lies in the front court of the Cathedral Church of Saint Sophia, which was erected by this ever-memorable hierarch. The year 2009 marked the 25th anniversary of his death.