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Apostle Andrew

63 bytes added, 15:37, August 1, 2005
His Life
== His Life ==
Andrew was a fisherman by trade, born in Bethsaida. A disciple of St. John the Baptist, he left St. John to follow [[Jesus|Christ]] following His [[baptism]] and brought along his brother: the [[Apostle Peter]]. Both are numbered among the [[Apostles|Twelve Great Apostles]]. After [[Pentacost]], the lot fell to St. Andrew to preach in:
; Byzantium : he appointed St. Stachys as it's first [[bishop]]
; Thrace, Peloponnese, Greece and Epirus : he converted many to the Faith and ordained Bishops and Priests for them
; Russian Lands : in Kiev he planted a Cross on a high place and prophesied a bright Christian future for the Russian people
== His Death ==