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Peter Mogila

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His years as Metropolitan of Kiev were to constitute a pivotal turning point for the Orthodox Church in southwestern Russia as he provided education for the Orthodox [[clergy]] and [[laity]] in the schools based upon advanced Western European models. While the studies were mainly in Latin, and not in Slavonic or Greek, this education gave the students entree to the secular and religious writings of the West as well as of modern science. His college in Kiev reached a standard of excellence in the seventeenth century that was unequaled in the Orthodox world. This was another half a century before Peter I introduced western Europe in the heart of Russia.
==External links==
*[ Peter Mogila]
*[ The Orthodox Confession of Mogilas, A.D. 1643]
*[ Wikipedia: Peter Mogila]
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{{end box}}==External links==*[ Peter Mogila]*[ The Orthodox Confession of Mogilas, A.D. 1643]*[ Wikipedia: Peter Mogila]