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Timeline of Church History

23,507 bytes added, 19:23, September 23, 2008
Undo revision 75957 by Andrew (Talk)
*447 Earthquake in Constantinople, when a boy was lifted up to heaven and heard the [[Trisagion]].
*449 [[Robber Synod of Ephesus]], presided over by [[Dioscorus of Alexandria]], with an order from the emperor to acquit [[Eutyches (heretic)|Eutyches]] the [[Monophysitism|Monophysite]].
*450 First monasteries established in Wales; Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britian; death of [[Peter Chrysologus]]. ==Byzantine era (451-843)==*451 [[Fourth Ecumenical Council]] meets at Chalcedon, condemning [[Eutychianism]] and [[Monophysitism]], affirming doctrine of two perfect and invisible but separate natures of Christ, and recognizing [[Church of Jerusalem]] as patriarchate; Attila the Hun defeated at [[w:Battle of Chalons|Battle of Chalons]]. *452 [[Proterios of Alexandria]] convenes synod in Alexandria to reconcile Chalcedonians and non-Chalcedonians; second finding of the Head of [[John the Forerunner]]. *452 Attila the Hun invades northern Italy, but is convinced to withdraw from Ravenna by Pope [[Leo the Great]]; [[Venice]] founded by fugitives from Attila's army. *455 [[w:Vandals|Vandals]] under Gaiseric sack Rome; Germanic Saxons and Angles conquer Britain, founding several independent kingdoms. *457 Victorius of Aquitania computes new [[Paschalion]]; first coronation of Byzantine Emperor by patriarch of Constantinople. *459 Death of [[Symeon the Stylite]]. *461 Death of [[Leo the Great]]; death of [[Patrick of Ireland]]. *462 [[Indiction]] moved to [[September 1]]; [[Studion Monastery]] founded. *466 [[Church of Antioch]] elevates bishop of Mtskheta to rank of [[Catholicos]] of Kartli, rendering the [[Church of Georgia]] [[autocephaly|autocephalous]]. *ca.471 Patriarch [[Acacius of Constantinople]] was first called ''"Oikoumenikos"'' (Ecumenical). *473 Death of [[Euthymius the Great]]. *475 Emperor [[w:Basiliscus|Basiliscus]] issues circular letter to the bishops of his empire, supporting [[Monophysitism|Monophysite]] [[Christology|Christological]] position. *476 Fall of Western Roman Empire. *477 [[Timothy Aelurus]] of Alexandria exiles Chalcedonian bishops from Egypt. *482 Byzantine emperor [[Zeno|Zeno I]] issues ''[[Henotikon]]'' in an attempt to reconcile the differences over the Christology of [[Fourth Ecumenical Council|Chalcedon]]. *484 [[Acacian Schism]]. *484 Founding of [[Holy Lavra of St. Savas (Jerusalem)|Mar Sabbas Monastery]] by [[Sabbas the Sanctified]]; [[Synod of Beth Lapat]] in Persia declares [[Nestorianism]] as official theology of [[Assyrian Church of the East]], effectively separating the Assyrian church from the Byzantine church. *488 Death of [[Peter the Fuller]]. *489 Emperor [[Zeno I]] closes [[w:School of Nisibis|Nestorian academy in Edessa]], which was then transferred under Sassanian Persian auspices to Nisibis, becoming the spiritual center of the [[Assyrian Church of the East]]. *490 [[Brigid of Kildaire]] founds monastery of Kildare in Ireland. *494 Pope [[Gelasius I of Rome]] delineates relationship between church and state in his letter ''Duo sunt'', written to Emperor [[Anastasius I]]. *496 Pope [[Gelasius I of Rome]] dedicates [[February 14]] to [[Valentine of Terni]] in the West, banning the pre-Christian Roman festival of Lupercalia; Bp. [[Remigius of Rheims]] baptizes Franks into Orthodox Christianity. *ca. 500 [[Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite]] writes ''The Mystical Theology''. *502 Start of [[w:Byzantine-Sassanid Wars|Byzantine-Sassanid wars]], lasting until 562. *506 [[Church of Armenia]] separates from Chalcedonian Orthodoxy. *507 Clovis I defeats Visigoths at [[w:Battle of Vouillé|Battle of Vouillé]] near Poitiers, ending their power in Gaul. *512 Death of [[Genevieve of Paris]]. *518 [[Severus of Antioch]] deposed by Emperor [[Justin I]] for Monophysitism; Patriarch [[John II of Constantinople]] is addressed as ''"Oikoumenikos Patriarches"'' (Ecumenical Patriarch). *519 Eastern and Western churches reconciled with end of [[Acacian Schism]]. *ca. 520 [[Elesbaan]] (Caleb), King of Ethiopia (Axum), invades Jewish Himyarite kingdom of Yemen, which was persecuting the Christians there, thus establishing Axumite control of South Arabia. *521 Birth of [[Columba of Iona]]. *527 [[Dionysius Exiguus]] calculates the date of birth of Jesus incorrectly; foundation of [[St. Catherine's Monastery (Sinai)|St. Catherine's Monastery]] on the Sinai peninsula by [[Justinian the Great]]. *ca. 528 Death of [[Procopius of Gaza]]. *529 Pagan University of Athens closed and replaced by Christian university in Constantinople; [[Benedict of Nursia]] founds monastery of [[Monte Cassino]] and codifies Western [[monasticism]]; [[Council of Orange]] condemns [[Pelagianism]]; [[Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem)|Church of the Nativity]] burned down in Samaritan revolt of 529; death of [[Theodosius the Great]]. *529-534 [[Justinian the Great|Justinian]]'s ''[[w:Corpus Juris Civilis|Corpus Juris Civilis]]'' issued. *530 [[Brendan the Navigator]] lands in Newfoundland, Canada, establishing a short-lived community of Irish monks. *532 [[Justinian the Great]] orders building of [[Hagia Sophia (Constantinople)|Hagia Sophia]]; death of [[Sabbas the Sanctified]]. *533 Mercurius elected Pope of Rome and takes the name of [[John II of Rome|John II]], the first pope to change his name upon election. *533 Foundation of the Diocese of Selefkia in Central Africa by the Emperor Justinian. *534 Roman Empire destroys the Arian kingdom of Vandals; Malta becomes Byzantine province. *536 [[Mennas of Constantinople]] summons a synod anathematizing [[Severus of Antioch]]. *537 Construction of [[Hagia Sophia (Constantinople)|Hagia Sophia]] in Constantinople completed. *539 [[Ravenna (Italy)|Ravenna]] becomes exarchate of the [[Byzantine Empire]]. *541 [[Jacob Baradeus]] organizes the [[Oriental Orthodox|Non-Chalcedonian Church]] in western Syria (the "Jacobites"), which spreads to Armenia and Egypt. *543 Doctrine of [[apokatastasis]] condemned by Synod of Constantinople. *544 [[Jacob Baradeus]] consecrates Sergius of Tella as bishop of Antioch, opening the lasting schism between the [[Church of Antioch (Syriac)|Syriac Orthodox Church]] and the Chalcedonian [[Church of Antioch]]; founding of the monastery at Clonmacnoise in Ireland by [[Ciaran of Clonmacnoise|Ciaran]]. *545 [[Synod of Brefi]] at Llandewi Brefi in Wales condemns [[Pelagianism]] ; Saint [[David of Wales]] moved the Primatial See of Britain from Caerleon to Menevia (St. Davids's). *546 [[Columba of Iona|Columba]] founds monastery of Derry in Ireland. *547 [[Convent of Our Lady of Saydnaya]] founded in Damascus of Syria ; Saint [[David of Wales]] does obeisance to the Patriarch of Jerusalem. *553 [[Fifth Ecumenical Council]] held in Constantinople in an attempt to reconcile Chalcedonians with non-Chalcedonians—the ''[[Three Chapters]]'' of [[Theodore of Mopsuestia]], [[Theodoret of Cyrrhus]], and [[Ibas of Edessa]] are condemned for their [[Nestorianism]], and [[Origen]] and his writings are also condemned. *553 Bishops of Aquileia, Milan, Venetia and the Istrian peninsula in Italy all refuse to condemn the Three Chapters, causing [[Schism of the Three Chapters]] in those areas, leading to independence of [[Patriarch of Venice]] from [[Patriarch of Aquileia]]; Ostrogoth kingdom conquered by the Byzantines after the [[w:Battle of Mons Lactarius|Battle of Mons Lactarius]]. *554 [[Church of Armenia]] officially [[schism|breaks]] with the West in 554, during the second Council of Dvin where the dyophysite formula of [[Fourth Ecumenical Council|Chalcedon]] was rejected. *556 [[Columba of Iona|Columba]] founds monastery of Durrow in Ireland; death of [[Roman the Melodist]]. *557 [[Brendan the Navigator]] founds monastery at Clonfert, Ireland. *563 Re-consecration of [[Hagia Sophia (Constantinople)|Hagia Sophia]] in Constantinople after its dome is rebuilt; [[Columba of Iona|Columba]] arrives on [[Iona]] and establishes [[monastery]] there, founding mission to the Picts. *564 Death of [[Petroc]]. *569 Final schism between Chalcedonians and non-Chalcedonians in Egypt; [[David of Wales]] holds [[Synod of Victoria]] to re-assert the anti-Pelagian decrees of Brefi. *570 Death of [[Gildas]]; birth of Muhammad, founder of [[Islam]]. *571 Death of [[w:Yared|Yared]], Ethiopian musician credited with inventing the sacred music tradition of the [[Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church|Ethiopian Orthodox Church]]. *579 400 Martyrs slain by Lombards in Sicily. *580 [[Monte Cassino]] sacked by Lombards, sending its monks fleeing to Rome; Slavs begin to migrate into the Balkans and Greece. *587 Visigoth King [[w:Reccared I|Reccared]] renounces [[Arianism]] in favor of [[Orthodoxy]]. *589 [[Council of Toledo]] adds [[Filioque]] to [[Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed]] in an attempt to combat [[Arianism]]. *ca. 590 [[w:Parthenon|Parthenon]] in Athens converted into a Christian church dedicated to the [[Theotokos]]. *590 [[Columbanus]] founds monasteries in France. *593 [[Anastasius I of Antioch|Anastasius the Sinaite]] restored as Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch. *596 [[Gregory the Dialogist]] sends [[Augustine of Canterbury|Augustine]] along with forty other monks to southern Britain to convert pagans. *597 Death of [[Columba of Iona]]. *598 Glastonbury Abbey founded - the Church in the British Isles numbers 120 bishops, hundreds of monasteries and parishes organized under a Primate with his See at Menevia. *ca. 600 ''[[The Ladder of Divine Ascent]]'' written by [[John Climacus]]; [[Gregory the Dialogist]] inspires development of [[Gregorian Chant]] through his liturgical reforms. *601 [[Augustine of Canterbury]] converts King [[Ethelbert of Kent]] and establishes see of Canterbury. *602 Final series of wars between [[Byzantine Empire]] and Sassanid Empire; [[Augustine of Canterbury]] meets with Welsh bishops to bring them under Canterbury. *604 [[Mellitus]] becomes first bishop of London and founds first [[w:St Paul's Cathedral|St. Paul's Cathedral]]; death of [[Gregory the Dialogist]]. *605 Death of [[Augustine of Canterbury]]. *609 [[w:Pantheon, Rome|Pantheon in Rome]] converted into church, consecrated to the Virgin Mary and All Saints (''Santa Maria dei Martiri''). *610 [[Heraclius]] changes official language of the Empire from Latin to [[w:Medieval Greek|Greek]], already the ''lingua franca'' of the vast majority of the population. *612 [[Holy Sponge]] and [[Holy Lance]] brought to Constantinople from Palestine. *614 Persians sack Jerusalem under Chosroes II of Persia; [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Church of the Holy Sepulchre]] damaged by fire, [[True Cross]] captured, and over 65,000 Christians in Jerusalem massacred. *615 Death of [[Columbanus]] in Italy. *617 Persian Army conquers Chalcedon after a long siege. *618 Death of [[Kevin of Glendalough]]. *620 Slavs attack Thessaloniki. *622 Year one of the Islamic calendar begins, during which the hejira occurs; Muhammad and his followers emigrating from Mecca to Medina. *626 [[Akathist|Akathist Hymn]] to the Virgin Mary written, after Constantinople liberated from a [[w:Siege of Constantinople (626)|siege]] of 80,000 Avars, Slavs and the Persian fleet. *627 Emperor [[Heraclius]] decisively defeats Sassanid Persians at [[w:Battle of Nineveh (627)|Battle of Nineveh]], recovering [[True Cross]] and breaking power of the Sassanid dynasty. *628 Muhammad issues [[w:Charter of Privileges|Charter of Privileges]] to monks of [[St. Catherine's Monastery (Sinai)|Saint Catherine's Monastery]]. *630 Second [[Elevation of the Holy Cross]]. *633 Death of [[Modestus of Jerusalem]]. *635 Founding of [[Lindisfarne]] Monastery by [[Aidan of Lindisfarne|Aidan]], a monk from [[Iona]]; Cynegils, king of Wessex, converts to Christianity. *636 Capture of [[Jerusalem]] by Muslim Arabs after [[w:Battle of Yarmouk|Battle of Yarmuk]]. *638 Muslim Arabs allow Jews to return to Jerusalem. *640 [[w:Muslim conquest of Syria|Muslim conquest of Syria]]; [[w:Battle of Heliopolis|Battle of Heliopolis]] between Arab Muslim armies and Byzantium opens door for Muslim conquest of Byzantine [[w:Exarchate of Africa|Exarchate of Africa]]. *641 Capture of Alexandria by Muslim Arabs. *642 Muslim conquest of Egypt; Arabs invade [[w:Nubia#Christian_Nubia|Christian Nubia]] for the first time. *646 Alexandria recaptured by Muslim Arabs after a Byzantine attempt to retake Egypt fails, ending nearly ten centuries of [[w:Greco-Roman|Greco-Roman]] civilization in Egypt. *648 Pope [[Theodore I of Rome]] excommunicates patriarch [[Paul II of Constantinople]]. *649 Arabs invade and conquer Cyprus. *650 Final defeat of [[Arianism]] as Lombards convert to Orthodox Christianity. *651 End of Persian Empire as the last shah of Persia Yezdegherd III of the Sassanid dynasty is killed at Merv. *653 Pope [[Martin the Confessor]] arrested on orders of Byzantine Emperor [[Constans II]]. *654 Invasion of Rhodes by Arabs. *655 Martyrdom of [[Martin the Confessor]]. *657 Founding of [[Whitby Abbey]] in Yorkshire, England. *662 Death of [[Maximus the Confessor]]. *663 Emperor [[Constans II]] is last Eastern emperor to set foot in Rome; [[Constans II]] declares the Pope of Rome to have no jurisdiction over the Archbishop of Ravenna, since that city was the seat of the exarch, his immediate representative. *664 [[Synod of Whitby]] held in northern England, adopting Roman calendar and tonsures in Northumbria; [[Iona|Ionian]] monk [[Wilfrid of York|Wilfrid]] appointed as Archbishop of York; death of [[Cedd]]. *668 [[Theodore of Tarsus]] appointed Archbishop of Canterbury. *669-78 [[w:Siege of Constantinople (674)|First Arab siege of Constantinople]]; at [[w:Battle of Syllaeum|Battle of Syllaeum]] Arab fleet destroyed by Byzantines through use of [[w:Greek Fire|Greek Fire]], ending immediate Arab threat to eastern Europe. *670 Composition of ''Caedmon's Hymn'' by [[Caedmon]] of [[Whitby Abbey|Whitby]]. *672 The First Synod of Hertford called by [[Theodore of Tarsus]], adoption of ten decrees paralleling the canons of the Council of Chalcedon. *673 The Second Council of Hatfield upholds Orthodoxy against [[Monothelitism]]. *680-681 [[Sixth Ecumenical Council]] held in Constantinople, condemning [[Monothelitism]] and affirming [[Christology]] of [[Maximus the Confessor]], affirming that Christ has both a human will and a divine will; Patr. [[Sergius of Constantinople]] and Pope [[Honorius of Rome]] are both explicitly [[anathema]]tized for their support of Monothelitism. *680 [[w:First Bulgarian Empire|First Bulgarian Empire]] established after a successful war with Byzantium. *682 Foundation of [[Monkwearmouth-Jarrow Abbey]] in England. *685 First monastics come to [[Mount Athos]]; death of [[Anastasius of Sinai]]. *685 [[John Maron]] elected first Maronite Patriarch, becoming the founder of what is known today as the [[Maronite Catholic Church]], which embraced [[Monothelitism]], rejected the teaching of the [[Fifth Ecumenical Council]], and separated from the [[Orthodox Church]]. *687 Destruction of [[Whitby Abbey]] by Danish raiders; death of [[Cuthbert of Lindisfarne]]. *688 Emperor [[Justinian II]] and Caliph [[w:Abd al-Malik|al-Malik]] sign treaty neutralizing Cyprus. *690c. The Witenagamot of England forbade appeals from the Local Church to the Patriarch of Rome. *691 [[w:Dome of the Rock|Dome of the Rock]] completed in Jerusalem. *692 [[Quinisext Council]] (also called the ''Penthekte Council'' or ''Council in Trullo'') held in Constantinople, issuing [[canon]]s which are seen as completing the work of the Fifth and Sixth [[Ecumenical Councils]], and declaring the [[Church of Jerusalem]] to be a [[patriarchate]]. *694 Byzantine army of [[Justinian II]] defeated by [[Maronite Catholic Church|Maronites]], who became fully independent afterwards. *697 [[Council of Birr]] accepts Roman [[Paschalion]] for northern Ireland; at this synod, [[Adomnán of Iona]] promulgates his [[w:Cáin Adomnáin|Cáin Adomnáin]]. *698 Muslim conquest of Carthage; at [[Synod of Aquileia]], bishops of the diocese of Aquileia end the [[Schism of the Three Chapters]] and return to communion with Rome. *ca. 700 Death of [[Isaac of Syria]]. *705 Long period of fighting begins between Trebizond in eastern Asia Minor and the Arabs. *706 Greek replaced by Arabic as administrative language in Egypt. *707 Byzantines lose Balearic Islands to Moors; death of [[John Maron]]. *710 Pope [[Constantine of Rome|Constantine]] makes last papal visit to Constantinople before 1967. *711 Umayyad Islamic invasion of Spain. *712 Death of [[Andrew of Crete]]. *ca. 715 [[Lindisfarne Gospels]] produced in Northumbria (Northern England). *715 [[w:Umayyad Mosque|Grand Mosque of Damascus]] built over the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist; Al-Aqsa Mosque constructed over site of [[Church of St. Mary of Justinian (Temple Mount, Jerusalem)|Church of St. Mary of Justinian]]; Pictish [[w:Nechtan IV of the Picts|King Nechtan]] invites Northumbrian clergy to establish Christianity amongst the Picts. *716 Monastery at [[Iona]] conforms to Roman liturgical usage; [[Boniface]]'s first missionary journey to Frisia. *717 Pictish king Nechtan expels monks from [[Iona]]. *717-18 [[w:Siege of Constantinople (718)|Second Arab siege of Constantinople]]. *719 [[w:Nubia#Christian Nubia|Nubian Christians]] transfer allegiance from [[Church of Alexandria|Chalcedonian church]] to [[Church of Alexandria (Coptic)|Coptic church]]. *723 [[Boniface]] fells Thor's Oak near Fritzlar. *726 [[Iconoclasm|Iconoclast]] Emperor [[Leo the Isaurian]] starts campaign against [[iconography|icons]]. *730 Emperor [[Leo the Isaurian]] orders destruction of all icons, beginning the First Iconoclastic Period. *731 [[Bede]] completes ''[[Ecclesiastical History of the English People]]''. *732 Muslim invasion of Europe stopped by Franks at [[w:Battle of Tours|Battle of Tours]], establishing a balance of power between Western Europe, Islam and the [[Byzantine Empire]]. *733 Byzantine Emperor [[Leo the Isaurian]] withdraws the Balkans, Sicily and Calabria from the jurisdiction of the Pope in response to Pope [[Gregory III of Rome]]'s support of a revolt in Italy against iconoclasm. *734 [[Egbert of York|Egbert]] becomes bishop of York, founding a library and making the city a renowned centre of learning. *735 Death of [[Bede]]; See of York achieves archepiscopal status. *739 Emperor Leo III (717-41) publishes his ''[[w:Byzantine law#Ecloga|Ecloga]]'' , designed to introduce Christian principle into law; Byzantine forces defeat [[w:Umayyad|Umayyad]] invasion of Asia Minor at [[w:Battle of Akroinon|Battle of Akroinon]]; death of [[Willibrord]]. *740 [[w:Khazars|Khazars]] voluntarily convert to Judaism. *742 After a forty-year vacancy, [[Stephen IV of Antioch|Stephen IV]] becomes Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, at the suggestion of Umayyad caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik. *746 Byzantine forces regain Cyprus from the Arabs. *747 The Witenagamot of England again forbids appeals to the Roman Patriarch ; [[Council of Clovesho I]] adopts Roman calendar, observance of the feasts of St. Gregory the Great and Augustine of Canterbury, and adopts the Rogation Days. *749 Death of [[John of Damascus]]. *750 ''[[Donation of Constantine]]'' accepted as a legitimate document, used by Pope [[Stephen II of Rome|Stephen II]] to prove territorial and jurisdictional claims. *751 Lombard king Aistulf captures [[Ravenna (Italy)|Ravenna]] and the Romagna, ending Byzantine Exarchate of Ravenna. *752 Death of Pope [[Zacharias of Rome]]. *754 [[Iconoclastic Council]] held in Constantinople under the authority of Emperor [[Constantine V Copronymus]], condemning icons and declaring itself to be the Seventh Ecumenical Council; Constantine begins dissolution of the monasteries. *754 Death of [[Boniface]]. *756 [[w:Donation of Pepin|Donation of Pepin]] cedes lands including Ravenna that became basis of [[w:Papal States|Papal States]]. *768 Wales adopts Orthodox [[Paschalion]] and other decrees of the Synod of Whitby at teaching of Elfoddw of Gwynedd. *769 Pope [[Stephen III of Rome]] holds a council changing papal election procedure and confirming veneration of icons. *772 Charlemagne starts fighting Saxons and Frisians; Saxony is subdued and converted to Christianity. *781 King [[Charlemagne]] of the Franks summons [[Alcuin]] of York to head palace school at Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) to inspire revival of education in Europe. *785 The Synod of Cealchythe erects the Archbishopric of Lichfield. *786 [[w:Beatus of Liébana|Beatus of Liébana]] publishes ''Commentary on the Apocalypse''. *787 [[Seventh Ecumenical Council]] held in Nicea, condemning [[iconoclasm]] and affirming [[veneration]] of [[iconography|icons]]; two councils held in England, one in the north at Pincanhale, and the other in the south at Chelsea, reaffirming the faith of the first Six Ecumenical Councils (the decrees of the Seventh having not yet been received), and establishing a third archbishopric at Lichfield. *792 The Synod of Regensburg condemned Adoptionism. *793 Sack of [[Lindisfarne|Lindisfarne Priory]], beginning Viking attacks on England. *794 Charlemagne convenes council in Frankfurt-in-Main, rejecting decrees of Seventh Ecumenical Council and inserting [[Filioque]] into [[Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed]]. *796 [[Alcuin]] made Abbot of Saint-Martin in Tours by [[Charlemagne]]. *800 [[Charlemagne]] crowned as Holy Roman Emperor by [[Leo III of Rome]] on [[Christmas]] day, marking the break of Frankish civilisation away from the Orthodox Christian Roman Empire; [[Book of Kells]] produced in Ireland. *800 Ambassadors of Caliph Harunu al-Rashid give keys to the [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Holy Sepulchre]] to Charlemagne, acknowledging some Frankish control over the interests of Christians in Jerusalem ; establishment of the [[Western Rite]] Monastery of Saint Mary in Jerusalem. *801 Controversy in Jerusalem over Frankish pilgrims using [[Filioque]]. *803 [[Council of Clovesho II]] abolishes archbishopric of Lichfield, restoring the pattern of the two metropolitan archbishoprics (Canterbury and York) which had prevailed before 787, and requires the use of the [[Western Rite]] amongst the English speaking peoples. *810 Pope Leo III refused permission for the [[Filioque]] to be inserted in the Creed. *814 Bulgarians lay siege to Constantinople; conflict erupts between Emperor [[Leo V the Armenian|Leo V]] and Patr. [[Nicephorus I of Constantinople|Nicephorus]] on the subject of iconoclasm; Leo deposes Nicephorus, Nicephorus excommunicates Leo. *824 Byzantine [[w:Crete|Crete]] falls to Arab insurgents fleeing from the Umayyad Emir of Cordoba Al-Hakam I, establishing an emirate on the island until the Byzantine reconquest in 960. *826 [[Ansgar]] arrives in Denmark and begins preaching; King Harald Klak of Denmark converts to Christianity. *828 Death of Patr. [[Nicephorus I of Constantinople]]. *ca. 829-842 Icon of the [[Panagia Portaitissa]] appears on [[Mount Athos]] near [[Iviron Monastery (Athos)|Iviron Monastery]]. *836 Death of [[Theodore the Studite]]. *838 Caliph al-Mu'tasim captures and destroys Ammoria in Anatolia. *ca. 839 First [[w:Paphlagonian expedition of the Rus|Rus'-Byzantine War]], where the Rus attacked Propontis (probably aiming for Constantinople) before turning east and raiding Paphlagonia.