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WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS WITH LOVE FROM EBAUMS{{liturgy}}In Orthodox Tradition, the '''homily''', or sermon, is an essential part of the [[Divine Liturgy|Eucharistic Liturgy]] and takes part in the liturgy's general [[sacrament]]al character.  Following the proclamation of the Word of God through the words of the Holy [[Gospel]], a liturgical homily is preached. The homily is typically given by the ranking celebrant himself, but he may entrust it to a concelebrating [[priest]] or to a [[deacon]], but never to a [[Laity|lay person]]. When a [[bishop]] is serving, the homily is said at the end of the service. The homily normally proclaims, and explains, the significance of the readings received at the particular liturgy, or sometimes the [[Feast day]], or [[Saint]]'s Day it might be.  Some sermons have become part of the [[Holy Tradition]] of the [[Ecclesiology|Church]] such as the [[Paschal Homily]] of St. [[John Chrysostom]] read at the end of [[Orthros|Matins]] at [[Pascha]]. ==Links to homilies==*Saint Andrew, Archbishop of Crete **[ Sermon on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary] *Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica **[ Sermon on the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple] **[ Sermon on the Transfiguration] **[ Sermon on the Dormition of the Virgin Mary] *Saint Proklos, Patriarch of Constantinople **[ Sermon on the Annunciation] *Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople **[[Paschal Homily|Paschal Sermon]]*[ (Coptic/Oriental Orthodox)]  [[Category:Liturgics]][[Category:Sermons and Treatises]]
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