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Orthodox Church of France

170 bytes added, 13:09, June 7, 2007
A stronger statement to avoid confusion
In 1993, after a long conflict with the Romanian holy synod regarding canonical irregularities, the Romanian Synod withsdrew its blessing from and broke communion with the Church, which again found itself in isolation from other Orthodox Churches. The Romanian patriarchate established a [[deanery]] under Bishop Germain's brother Archpriest Gregoire to minister to those parishes formed by the priests and laity that chose to stay with Romania.
In 2001, after the scandal caused by the revelation inside the Church of the marriage of Bishop Germain in 1995 (which was later legally annulled), some priests and parishes led by Archpriest Jean-Pierre Pahud left the the Church of France and formed the ''Union des Associations Cultuelles Orthodoxes de Rite Occidental'' (UACORO) (the Union of Western Rite Orthodox Worship Associations). Many of these have subsequently been received on an individual basis into the Church of Serbia in 2006. The Orthodox Church of France currently functions as an independent body, and is not recognized any of the Orthodox Churches in communion with the ancient patriarchates.
==External links==
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