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Ambrose (Cantacuzène) of Geneva

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[[Image:Bishop_Ambrose.jpg|right|frame|His Grace, Bishop Ambrose (Cantacuzene) of Geneva]]
His Grace Bishop '''Ambrose (Cantacuzene) ''' was bishop of Geneva and Western Europe for the [[Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia]] until his retirement in 2006. He is currently the rector of the Russian Orthodox parish in Vevey, Switzerland. ==Life==
The future Bishop Ambrose, in the world Peter Cantacuzene, was born on 16 (3) September, 1947, in Vevey, Switzerland to Prince Peter Georgievich Cantacuzene and Olga Alekseevna, née Orlova. He is a descendant of the Byzantine royal house. He received his education in the classics and then graduated from the law school at Lausanne University. He subsequently worked as a high school teacher of French and basic jurisprudence.
after=[[Michael (Donskoff) of Geneva|Michael (Donskoff)]]}}
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