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Bishoy (Nicola) of Damietta

55 bytes added, 08:27, November 16, 2006
A "controversial" figure: link - bebawi - who is Anglican?
Some of the criticism directed against Metropolitan Bishoy can be read in this [ Arabic article] by Professor Dr. George Habib Bebawi [], [], [], []([ bio]), Professor of Eastern Theology and Dean of the Institute of Orthodox Theology (Antiochian Orthodox), Indiana, USA, former Professor and Dean of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, the University of Cambridge, UK, and former Professor of Patristics, Coptic Theological College, Egypt.
See also: [], [], [], [], [], [], and [ Anba Bishoy's reply to his critics in the Egyptian Akher Sa'aa weekly Arabic magazine, issue 3755, dated 11 October 2006] and [ in this online article dated 29 October 2006].
==Biographical source==