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Episcopi vagantes

639 bytes added, 15:53, August 29, 2006
Other issues: - Moving content, a little rough
==Other issues==
*Many people have claimed ordinations as bishops where it is questionable whether the ordination ever actually took place, which is a separate issue.
*Further, bishops belonging to groups which are in [[schism]] (i.e., out of [[full communion]]) from the Church or have suspended [[concelebration]]s are not ''episcopi vagantes'' inasmuch as their consecrations as bishops were clearly within the Church and the break in communion may well only be temporary.
* Many (Western, schismatic, especially Anglican-descdent) groups use the traditional/scholastic Roman Catholic distinction between licit and valid orders, tracing a history of ordinations, as a way of claiming legitmacy. The Orthodox church does not generally adopt this distinction. Epsicopal consecration is only valid and licit (to use Scholastic terminology) when in communion with the other Orthodox churches around the world. There has, however, been some flexibilty in understanding in certain cases of schism. (The Roman Catholic distinction can be read as an attempt to bring canonical order to the "gray areas" of ecclesiology).
==See also==
Bureaucrats, Check users, interwiki, oversight, renameuser, Administrators