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Divine Liturgy

12 bytes added, 12:36, January 26, 2005
Rites of Entrance: links
The priest continues with the [[Great Litany]], so called because it is longer than most litanies and its petitions touch on the needs of the world: peace and salvation, the Church, her bishops, her faithful, captives and their health and salvation, deliverance from anger and need. It is concluded, as with most litanies, by commiting ourselves to the [[Theotokos]] and to Our Lord [[Jesus Christ]] and a prayer by the priest.
There follow three [[antiphons]] which vary by day and [[:Category:Jurisdictions|jurisdiction]]. The first two anitphons are followed by a shorter litany and a prayer. The third is followed by the [[Little Entrance]], at which is sung, "Come, let us worship God, our King! Save us, O Son of God, who sing to you! Alleluia." "Son of God" is normally followed by an insertion, such as "risen from the dead" or "wondrous in your saints."
Having fully entered the church liturgically and gathered together around the Word, the gathered body chants the [[Trisagion|Thrice-Holy Hymn]] to the holy Trinity: "Holy God, holy mighty, holy immortal: have mercy on us."
=== Rites of Proclamation ===
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