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Western Rite Service Books

45 bytes added, 19:04, March 6, 2020
Updated St. Ambrose Hymnal entry with working website etc
** [ ''St. Andrew's Service Book''] Orthodox Christian Press for the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, 1996. Contains text of the Liturgy of St Gregory and the Liturgy of St Tikhon of Moscow. Used in AWRV.
** [ ''St. Dunstan's Plainsong Psalter''] Lancelot Andrewes Press, Glendale, CO, 2002. Contains Psalter According to BCP usage. Used in AWRV.
** [http://www.membersstgregoryoc.cox.netorg/frnicholasarticle/ordering-the-hymnal/Hymnal.htm ''St. Ambrose Hymnal''] Unofficial. Out The Saint Ambrose Hymnal is a collection of print. 2001. Includes pre-schism Western Hymns hymns and Gregorian chants, along with some modern text evaluated service music selected for use in congregations of the Western Rite Vicariate of the Antiochian Orthodox useChristian Archdiocese. Used in AWRV.
** ''The Antiphoner'', Unofficial. Used in AWRV.
** [ St. Ambrose Prayer Book] Lancelot Andrewes Press. Orthodox adaptation of the Anglican ''St. Augustine Prayer Book''.