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Gabriel (Raftopoulos) of Leontopolis

59 bytes added, 22:47, February 10, 2013
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Received into the services of the [[Church of Alexandria]] by Patriarch [[Parthenios III (Koinidis) of Alexandria|Parthenios III]] in 1990, Father Gabriel served as [[chancellor]] of the [[Archdiocese of Zimbabwe|Metropolis of Zimbabwe]] and Patriarchal Vicar in Odessa. In June 2005, he was appointed Patriarchal [[Vicar]] of Alexandria.
On [[November 1]], 2006, Fr. Gabriel was elected to the [[episcopate]] by the [[Holy Synod]] of the Alexandria Patriarchate as Bishop of Mareotis, patriarchal auxiliary for the Archdiocese of Alexandria. He was [[consecration of a bishop|consecrated]] by Patriarch [[Theodoros II (Choreftakis) of Alexandria|Theodoros II]] on [[November 4]], 2006 in the Church of St. Savvas the Sanctified in Alexandria.
On [[November 21]], 2012, Bishop Gabriel was elected by the Holy Synod as Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Leontopolis and Patriarchal Vicar of Alexandria.