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Nine Saints

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==Arrival in Ethiopia==
It is said that the Nine Saints arrived in Axum, the first great capital city of Ethiopia, in 480. They came from various parts of the East Roman Empire, having fled the persecutions of the Orthodox who remained faithful to the teaching of St. Cyril after Chalcedon's acceptance of the semi-Nestorian tome of Pope Leo the Great. The most prominent among the Nine Saints were the hieromonks [[Abba Aftse]], [[Abba Zemika'elAregawi]], [[Abba AregawiGerima]](also known as Yisihaq/Isaac), [[Abba P'entelewon]] (Panteleimon), [[Abba Aftse]], and [[Abba GerimaYem'ata]] (also known as Yisihaq/Isaac), but the names of [[Abba Alef]] (also known as Abba Os), [[Abba Guba]], [[Abba Libanos]] (also known as Abba Mete'a), and [[Abba Liqanos]] were also recorded. Additionally, [[Abba Sehma]] is also sometimes named as one of the Nine Saints, though he may have been one of the [[Righteous Ones]].
==Missionary Labors==
*[ Abba Os] (Dictionary of African Christian Biography)
*[ Abba Sehma] (Dictionary of African Christian Biography)
*[ Abba Yem'ata] (Dictionary of African Christian Biography)
*[ Abba Aragawi] (Dictionary of African Christian Biography)
*[ Nine Roman Saints] (Nine Saints' Monastery in the USA)
[[Category:Ethiopian Saints]]
[[Category:Non-Chalcedonian Saints]]