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Church of Saint Demetrios (Thessalonica)

117 bytes added, 00:56, October 22, 2012
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[[Image:ChurchDemetriosThessStDemetriusChurchThessalonica.JPGjpg|right|thumbnailthumb|200px|Church of St. Demetrios exterior (ThessalonikiDemetrius in Thessalonica, Greece)]]The '''Church of Saint Demetrios''' in [[Thessalonica]], Greece is situated on the site of previous churches built over the ruins of the Roman bath where St. [[Demetrios of Thessaloniki|Demetrios the Myrrhgusher]] was imprisoned and [[martyr]]ed. The present structure is a reconstruction of the seventh century church that was destroyed by fire in 1917. The [[church]] is a [[basilica]] with five [[apse]]s, a [[narthex]], and transept.
During the fifth century, Eparch Leontios had a large basilica with three apses constructed on the site of the chapel. Between 626 and 634, the basilica burned down. Soon after a new basilica was built that had five apses. The church remained in use until Thessalonica was captured by the Ottoman Turks in 1493, who converted the church into a mosque. When Greece gained independence from the Turks in 1912, the Church of St. Demetrios was restored for Orthodox Christian services. In 1917, however, the church burned down.
[[Image:StDemetriusChurchplan.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Plan of the Church of St. Demetrius in Thessalonica]]
Immediately, efforts to restore the church began. During these efforts the naos and crypt were opened. The restoration, however, was stopped in 1938 and not resumed again until 1946. At this time systematics excavations were made and the new church with five apses was built. By 1949, construction had progressed so that services were able to be conducted.
[[Category:Greek Churchesin Greece|Demetrios]]