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The term '''''aisle''''', as an architectural term applying to [[church]]es, came from the Latin word ''ala'', meaning a wing, that in its original sense meant the wing of a building or house. From this, the term is generally applied architecturally to areas added to the sides of large building, such as churches and [[cathedral]]s, and is illustrated in the side (aisle) areas of [[basilica]]s. In basilicas, aisles are usually separated from the central part of the building, the [[nave]] or other aisles, by colonnades or columns.
An early example is found in the basilica of Trajan that has a double set of aisles on either side of the nave. Other early examples include the original church of St. [[Apostle Peter|Peter]] in Rome and the basilica in [[Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem)|Bethlehem]]. There are a number of churches with multiple aisles. These include [[St. Sophia Cathedral (Kiev)|St. Sophia Cathedral]] in Kiev that has five aisles and the [[cathedral]] in Cordoba, Spain, which has nineteen.