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Constantine the Great

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==Other achievements==
His victory in [[312]]AD over [[Maxentius]] at the Battle of Milvian Bridge resulted in his becoming Western Augustus, or ruler of the entire western half of the empire. He gradually consolidated his military superiority over his rivals in the crumbling [[Tetrarchy]] until [[324]], when he defeated the eastern ruler, [[Licinius]], and became sole emperor.
Constantine rebuilt the ancient Greek city of [[Byzantium]], naming it ''Nea Roma'', providing it with a Senate and civic offices similar to the older [[Rome]]. After his death it was renamed [[Constantinople]], and gradually became the capital of the empire.
He was succeeded by his three sons, Constantine II, Constantius II and Constans, who secured their hold on the empire with the murder of a number of relatives and supporters of Constantine. The last member of his dynasty was his grandson, [[Julian the Apostate]], who attempted to restore paganism.
== External Links ==
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