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List of seminaries and theological schools

95 bytes added, 20:26, February 10, 2005
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===Kenya===* The Orthodox Patriarchal School "Archbishop of Cyprus Makarios III"- Nairobi, Kenya ===South Africa===* The Alexandrian Catechetical School of South Africa, - 72 Saunders Street, Yeoville, Johannesburg, South Africa ==Asia=====India===*[ St.Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary] - Nagpur, India (Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church)
* [ St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College] - Sydney, Australia
==North America==
*[ St. Andrew’s College] in Winnipeg, Manitoba - Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary
* [ The Greek Orthodox Theological Academy] - Toronto, Canada
==Western Europe==
* [ Saint Serge Orthodox Theological Institute]
==United Kingdom==
* Saint Sofia Spiritual Seminary (email), Bulgaria* [ St. Kliment Ohridski Faculty of Theology]- University of Sofia, Bulgaria 
* [ Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki], Thessaloniki* [ Department of Theology, University of Athens], Athens
* [ Babes-Bolyai University Faculty of Orthodox Theology] (in Romanian) - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
* Moscow Patriarchate Theological Schools* [ St. Tikhon Orthodox Theological Institute] - Moscow* Pimen Orthodox Institute, (in Russian), St. Petersburg 
* Orthodox Theological Faculty of Safarik University - Presov, Slovakia ===Lebanon===* [ St. John of Damascus Faculty of Theology], Balamand, Lebanon
==Non-Chalcedonian Seminaries in North America==
*[ Pope Shenouda III Coptic Orthodox Theological Seminary] - New Jersey and Los Angeles
*[ St. Athanasius Theological Seminary] - San Antonio, TX (The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States)
*[]-St.Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary, Nagpur, India
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