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Eastern Churches Council of Australia

673 bytes added, 12:40, April 17, 2012
moved Eastern Hierarchs to Eastern Churches Council of Australia: name seems to have changed.
{{orthodoxyinaustralia}}'''Eastern Churches Council of Australia''' (formerly '''Eastern Hierarchs''' ) is an organisation of Christian eastern-rite religions and jurisdictions in Australia, and is based on working for the love of God spreading throughout the Church in Australia, with a spirit of Christ-like co-operation, without accusation, judgment, condemnation or lust for power.
==Recent News==On the 24th of April, an annual ecumenical service was held to commemorate the suffering, death, descent and resurrection of Christ. 38 clergy and 8 nuns were present, including Metropolitan Archbishop [[Paul (Saliba) of Australia and New Zealand|Paul]], and members of all levels of the clergy. Churches represented include the Orthodox Churches of [[Church of Alexandria|Alexandria]], [[Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand|Antioch]], [[Church of Cyprus|Cyprus]], Greece, [[Australian jurisdictions without a local bishop|Romania]]; the Oriental Orthodox Churches of the [[Church of Alexandria (Coptic)|Copts]] and [[Syria]]; and the Eastern-Rite Catholic churches Each of the [[Maronite]]s and member organisations are based in the [[Melkite]]sMiddle East. Four choirs were present:
==Members==* Maronite Catholic Church* Chaldean Catholic Church* [[Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines]]* Syrian Orthodox Church* Melkite Catholic Church* Ancient Church of the East* Armenian Catholic Church ==History==On Bright Monday, [[April 24]], 2006, an annual ecumenical service was held, under the aegis of 'Eastern Hierarchs', to commemorate the suffering, death, descent and resurrection of Christ. 38 [[clergy]] eight nuns were present, including Metropolitan Archbishop [[Paul (Saliba) of Australia and New Zealand|Paul]], and members of all levels of the clergy.  Churches represented include the Chalcedonian Orthodox Churches of [[Church of Alexandria|Alexandria]], [[Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand|Antioch]], [[Church of Cyprus|Cyprus]], Greece, [[Australian jurisdictions without a local bishop|Romania]]; the Non-Chalcedonian Orthodox Churches of the [[Church of Alexandria (Coptic)|Copts]] and [[Church of Antioch (Syriac)|Syriacs]]; and the [[Eastern Rite Catholic]] churches of the [[Maronite Catholic Church|Maronite]]s and the [[Melkite]]s.  Apologies were received from the local [[bishop]]s of the Pre-Ephesian Orthodox Churches of the [[Armenians]] and of the [[Assyrians]]. ==External Linkslinks==
*[ Eastern Hierarchs Ecumenical Service] (24 April, 2006)
*[ Eastern Churches Council of Australia ecumenical service for peace in the Middle East] (25 March, 2012)
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