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Mikhail Ibrahim

17 bytes added, 09:58, March 15, 2006
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[[Image:FrMikhailIbrahim.jpg|right|thumb|Fr Mikhail Ibrahim (1899-1975)]] The [[Coptic]] Orthodox [[archpriest]] 'Abouna' Father '''Mikhail Ibrahim''' (1899-1975) was a unique man. His saintly dedication to [[Christ]] is unparalleled. Others spent a life time enjoying the blessings of this [[saint]]. Among those who knew him well is [[Pope]] [[Shenouda III (Gayyid) of Alexandria|Shenouda III]], the Coptic Orthodox [[patriarch]] and a great teacher of our generation. His Holiness was so moved by the departure of Abouna Mikhail on [[March 26]], 1975, that he wept and gave a eulogy to be remembered for generations to come. Abouna Mikhail was buried at St. Mark's Cathedral (the Coptic Orthodox Papal Residence) in Cairo, Egypt.
Many saw Abouna Mikhail assigning responsibilities in the Church of God. To St. [[Virgin Mary|Mary the Virgin]] he would say before leaving the [[church]]: "'Aadraa Mariam' (Virgin Mary) you take care of so and so. 'Maar Morcos' (St. [[Apostle Mark|Mark]]) you take care of so and so. 'Maar Girgis' (St. George) you take care of this and that.. etc.". He would then go home believing that all is taken care of. He would ask his parishioners to pray for him, and when anyone brought a problem to his attention he would immediately respond with: "Let us pray". He seldom gave advice because he believed strongly in the power of [[prayer]]. He would say, "let us pray and God will bring the answer".
He used to call everyone with respect adding a title to the name: Mr. so and so, Doctor so and so. I heard him calling the custodian 'Aam fullan' (Uncle so and so) and never referred to himself with more than his first name. He would introduce himself as Mikhail or 'Al-aabd' (the servant) Mikhail.
Abouna Mikhail was born, Mikhail Ibrahim Youssef, in Kaafr Abdou, Quisna on the [[April 20|20th of April]], 1899. His father Ibrahim Effendi Youssef and his mother Hanounah had five sons. They raised them in the bosom of the church, teaching them the life of prayer and [[humility]]. The priest of the church in Kaafr Abdou, Fr. Girgis, had a big influence on young Mikhail and his brothers. They attended the church school where they learned reading and writing. They learned church hymnals from the 'Mualim' (Psalmist) at the church.
In 1908, Mikhail started School at the Coptic School in Quisna and completed his secondary education at the Greater Coptic School in Cairo. After High School he was hired by the ministry of Interior as a police clerk serving in Fooh, Sherbeen, Kaafr-Al-Sheikh, Belbees, Hehia, and Giza which was his last tour of government service before he was ordained [[priest]] in 1951. He was honest and hard working civil servant. He also served God and man wherever he went. He helped form religious societies wherever he went. In Belbees, he also led the effort to build a church in that city. An argument arose between the chief of police and an inspector from the ministry who accused Mikhail of poor performance because he used to go to work on Sundays at 10.00 AM. This was an unfair accusation because the government of Egypt extends this privilege to all Christians with no exception. Mr. Mikhail preferred to be transferred than cause the chief of police any harm. He was transferred to Hehia where he spent 10 years (1938-1948) working with dedication and serving God as much as he could. His last tour of civil service was in Giza (1948-1951) where he resided in Old Cairo near the [[monastery]] and [ church of St. Mina]. This time in Old Cairo put him closer to saintly people the likes of Abouna Mena Al-Motawahid (The departed Pope [[Cyril_VI_(Atta)_of_Alexandria|Kyrillos VI]]) and others who became leaders in the church. He was known among the group as the humble man who knew God in his heart. He was seen kneeling and praising God making the sign of the cross as he approached the outer doors of a church like one who saw the gates of heaven. This habit continued all the days of his life.