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Sixth Ecumenical Council

37 bytes added, 22:41, January 1, 2012
By this point, [[Arianism]] had become largely marginalized and many Arians were accepted back into the Church. But a new attack on the Person of [[Christ]] emerged in the form of the Monothelites. The Monothelites argued that Christ has only one will, for He is one person albeit with two natures. The Council felt that this "impaired the fullness of Christ's humanity," and that human nature without human will would be incomplete. That affirmed that since Christ was true man and true God, He must have two wills: a human will and a divine will. [[Monothelitism]] was condemned as heresy.
In addition to the condemnation of Monothelitism, the council anathematized as [[heretic]]s Pope [[Honorius I of Rome]] and [[Sergius I of Constantinople]], as well as [[Cyrus of Alexandria]], [[Paul II of Constantinople|Paul II]] and Peter of Constantinople, Theodore of Pharan, and Pope Agatho for their part in propagating the heresy of Monothelitism.
==Commemoration ==