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The Mesoria, or Inter Hours, are served on certain days in the Apostles' Fast and Nativity Fast.

There is a Mesorion for each of the Hours (Prime, Terce, Sext, None). On days when the Mesoria are served, the Divine Liturgy is not served.

Services of the Orthodox Church
Eucharist: Divine Liturgy | When the Eucharist cannot be served: Typika
Daily Cycle (Divine Office)
Vespers | Compline | Midnight Office | Matins
Little Hours (Prime,Terce,Sext,None) | Royal Hours | Mesorion
Other Services
Akathist Hymn | Paraklesis | Moleben
Great Blessing of Water | Artoklasia
Baptism-Chrismation Service | Holy Unction
Ordination Service | Marriage Service
Funeral Service | Memorial Service