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Definition and Summary of Orthodoxy's Position

Homosexuality is the state of being erotically attracted to or engaging in erotic acts with members of the same sex.

Orthodox Christians generally hold that homosexual attraction is not sinful in itself because it is a temptation, but homosexual acts are sins because the will conciously gives in to the temptation. Because of this, the Orthodox Church cannot not bless or condone homosexual behavior in any manner. The options for the homosexual Christian in this regard are the same as every other Christian's--marriage or celibacy. Some scholars have attempted to make a third way by suggesting that adelphopoeisis was a version of marriage, but the majority of Orthodox reject that notion on theological and historical grounds.

Official Orthodox Statements

Articles from an Orthodox Perspective

Personal Testimonies

Non-Orthodox Sources

Recommended Books

  • Straight & Narrow: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate by Thomas E. Schmidt. InterVarsity Press: 1995. (ISBN 0830818588)
  • Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic by Elizabeth R. Moberly. James Clarke Company: 1997. (ISBN 0227678508) (Orthodox author)

Other Resources