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Saint Kingsmark (also Cynfarch) was a monk, Scottish chieftain, and disciple of St. Dubricius of Ergyng in the Fifth Century. He later lived in Wales, where he grew to such renown for his holiness, that soon after his death he was glorified by the Welsh faithful. St. Kingsmark is said to have been married to a grand-daughter of St. Brychan of Brecknock.

Many churches are dedicated to him in West Country and Wales. His feast day is celebrated on September 8.


Troparion (Tone 8)

Seeing that many were brought to Christ by the radiant example of thy virtuous life
And thy missionary labours, O holy Cynfarch,
Pray that we too may follow thee
In the service of our Saviour, that our souls may be saved.

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